Rouen Duck thread

[They are all giving me a stink eye. These ducks do not like for their pool to be cleaned! Can you spot my drake?? He is getting the prettiest green feathers on his head and tail.
Thank you for starting this thread we have 4 Rouen ducklings and they are so much fun we caught them some minnows this week and the Campbells had to show them how to grab them they learned very quickly
Probably beginning middle-ish of March I bought two rouen ducks from tractor supply...still can't figure out what is quacks loud and obnoxious and the other kinda squeaks as it tries to quack...they both have almost identical markings but the one that squeaks head when light hits just right you can see green tint in the feathers.... Would it be safe to assume i have a drake and hen? And also...i feel so helpless the one that quacks walks with a limp and will lift that leg often to take weight off and I noticed it's feet appear to not have fully developed it's webbing is very small and narrow on the favored there anything I can really do for it? Or will it make due on its own?


The one on left is the one I'm assuming is a drake...?

My Rouens are about the same age as yours and my drake looks female, he hasn't feathered out yet. The one that quacks loudly is the female, the boys have what I call a "smoker's quack" lol it's raspy and/or squeaky. You've got a pretty cute pair there :)
Kc X Rouns???


TSC and look before feathering said they were pure KC, leaning towards too much runner in mix. they stood straght up flat topped before bad purina feed (supposed compensations and investigation never happened yet months later).. run and don't limp/waddle again anymoreafter feed switched.

two are female for sure by voice (second one just started getting loud. lol. A third maybe starting toget loud), think they're the blue wing patched ones. the green billed one definitely male by voice.

any guessing on the mix???
Thanks! iwas wondering as the females were looking sorta like a pic of a welsh female bought as KC duckling, tillsun started bleaching markings out now making really light with white breast feathers seemingly showing on some. or they're just total mutts. lol. as long as they layand make great meat extra males that are arses), without to much fuss needed. Still interested to know though!
@Buff goose guy,

Layer hybrids.. i hadn't thought of that! makes sense with all craziness about them. here's hoping, and great possibility, but i know nothing of the layer hybrids, and can't find much info from those having anything but ducklings (which said to look like KCs).
My Rouens are about the same age as yours and my drake looks female, he hasn't feathered out yet. The one that quacks loudly is the female, the boys have what I call a "smoker's quack" lol it's raspy and/or squeaky. You've got a pretty cute pair there :)

Thanks :) I was hesitant about getting ducks...heard they stink are messy and every other negative thing about them...but I love them...they're so fun to watch in their pool...and have come to the conclusion they hate clean water lol I wash it out and they will splash water out to make a mud hole then "spit" mud into the pool until you can't see the

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