Rouen Duck thread

Yes technically it's not a crime to hit a dog, deer, cat, duck, goose, turkey, or whatever else if you were to call it in to get an accident report so you can claim it through your insurance your going to get a ticket no matter what. The cops will ticket you for something.
I have 2 ducklings that are starting to mult. They are getting too big for the brooder and I want to move them out to a stall in the barn. They will have a big area to run around and a little kiddie pool to wade in. The floor is just dirt, so what's the best thing to put on the ground where they will be until they are ready to free range during the day?
I found that shavings got way too wet, and that hay worked best. They will poop all over it but it is easy to change and the hay underneath doesn't get soiled just the top layer, when they sleep and poop and walk all over it, talk about it ~ then do it all over again.

If you put water in for them make sure you have some large rocks or stepping stones/gravel built in and around the pool for them to get in and out. And make is shallow. I used a shallow black rubber horse feed bowl. They really don't need much for their bathing ritual. The water will always need to be changed ~ like twice a day, so don't put too much effort in making a glorious pool. It ends up being a toilet in about 6 minutes. Actually, I've got four grown Rouens now and they still all try to get into that black bowl. Quite funny.

Your floor will be mud. Because that's what ducks like. Mud. Mud, poo and water = heaven.

And your chickens will hate you for giving that nice dirt floor to unappreciative ducks. But I understand.

My ducklings and their pools (toilets)

Had to take my one Rouen drake inside. He has been mostly unresponsive for the past couple of days, standing in the rain looking like a drowned dog, not preening, not quacking, just standing in the corner of their area giving up. Gotta separate him out now but was wondering if anyone has maybe a female duck to spare?! Best would be a Rouen girl, but almost anything would be oki with him, as he is very gentle and sensitive.

I was holding him for almost 3 hours in my arms, wrapped in a towel to dry off and he was barely breathing in the beginning. Just clamped onto my shirt under my hair with his beak. No struggling, no quaking, no nothing. I was so afraid I'm gonna loose him!

Now he's in a big cage in the bathroom under a heat lamp, he is holding himself up again now, quaked a bit and started preening! Just want some company for my poor one year old Tony! Somewhere here in the Northwestern part of WI would be great! Thanks.
hello i just got these to cuties from someone who couldnt keep them.
i know nothing about ducks and was wondering what breeds these 2 are annd how to sex them??
hello i just got these to cuties from someone who couldnt keep them.
i know nothing about ducks and was wondering what breeds these 2 are annd how to sex them??

Looks like a Rouen (dark) and a Pekin (yellow) to me. That's what most feed stores carry on ducks.
Vent sexing is not that easy but the most accurate. If done incorrectly you can hurt the duckling bad. Other than that if they are around 4-6 weeks you should hear a difference in quack. Males sound more raspy and girls a very loud quack. If you can't tell by then, you will have to wait til they're about 3-4 months old and maybe develop a drake (curly) feather at their tail. That would be a male then. And the male Rouen get a white ring around their neck and a beautiful iridescent green head after first molt.

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