Rouen Duckling Help


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
I have 6 Rouen ducklings. These are the first ducks I have ever owned. I have them in a baby play pen, but they're quickly outgrowing it. I don't know how old my ducklings are, but I'm guessing around 3-4 weeks. They are starting to get their adult feathers on their tails and chest. I would like to ask a few questions and get any advice you may have.

When did you move your ducklings outside? What age? What was the temperature outside? What did you brood them in?

I also have a couple of ducklings that are developing a white ring around their neck. I have included a pictures of the duckling that have the most pronounced white ring. Does this mean these 2 ducklings are drakes?

And just for fun here is a photo of all six when I first got them.
Aww, I love Rouen babies!! They're just adorable. Yes, I think the rings you're seeing are likely drakes. They are still babies until they are totally feathered and waterproof. I would not put them out until temps are consistently warm and only then when they have predator proof housing. So I think roughly 8-10 weeks?
Forums Folks, agree or disagree?
It's totally different when they're with their moms!
Thanks for the reply. I was wondering about the ring, because that one is also one of my loudest ducklings which they says usually means a girl. lol.

What type of brooder do you use for you ducklings? Mine are in a baby play pen and are outgrowing it. With the way the weather is, they're going to need to be inside for a couple more weeks at least. Any suggestions for a bigger one?
I am using a very large cardboard box, i have 21 chicks and 2 ducks. I am plannin on expandin the brooding area this wk. I have to clean it 3-4 times a day cause of the ducks. Got one rouen and one campbell. Not sure of sexes though
They look about 6 weeks

If they've started molting have then a secure safe place from all predators outside be sure is you can stuck a hand or a shoe through a space then something can get in

Be sure it's large at least 8 long and and 10 wide besure there a lot of grass and have maybe alittle kitty pool in their away from the food so the food doesn't grow mold or anything from being in the sun and wet ,

Also cover the top with very strong chicken wire so the sub comes in but raccoons and opossum can't climb over and get the ducks
Thanks for the advice. We have a coop in mind that we're getting that meets all those details. I plan on letting them free range during the day and locking them up at night.

Any advice on training them to go up a ramp? The coop we're getting sits off the ground since we have foxes in our area.
They get up there themselves if there is pine draw or hay in it

But be sure to have a good bloodline , throw in some rouens from diffrent hatcheries here and there otherwise the inbreed QUICKLY, and will grow then die inside the egg

If you don't have a good bloodline from diffrent ducks here and there

Your males will outlive the female and use each other for " breeding purposes " ( I speak from many years of experience ) ( be careful )
Same here. I got 2 Rouens and they are about 3-4 weeks old and their starting to grow in their adult feathers. The oils on their feathers are starting to grow in to being able to swim.
About ten weeks is what I was aiming for with my runners, we went 13 weeks due to weather.

For temperature, the general rule of thumb is 90F the first week dropping 5 degrees a week till the brooder is the temperature of the rest of their world.

Even when they reach what looks like adult size, by about 10 to 12 weeks, they are still developing internally, and they need energy to finish growing up, seems to me.

I used a puppy playpen, and because they had to stay in longer than anticipated, ended up getting two. I love those, I still use them in the night pen to separate ducks when necessary. Using one now.

Adding important detail I missed with the first post . . . I lined the bottom of the puppy playpen with 6 mil plastic sheeting. It comes in rolls at the big box store. Across the bottom, and going up the sides about a foot because my runners liked to fling things like food and poo. And then we used old towels for bedding because my ducklings ate - yes, ate - shavings.

Regarding predator-resistant outdoor housing. There are predators that can get through anything larger than a half inch diameter, according to Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks, if I recall correctly. That number was etched in my brain as I constructed their outdoor housing. Half inch metal hardware cloth over all openings to their night-time housing. During the day, I am most concerned with larger predators like foxes, dogs, cats and the occasional early morning late afternoon coyote. So I use 2"x3" coated woven wire top and sides for the Day Pen, with coated chain link under the pen to prevent digging under. If I am away from the house, a predator could have hours to get at the ducks.
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In four days my two Rouens will be 2 months old and we are building their final coop! Both are growing in blue wing feathers and one is much bigger than the others.

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