Rough, Calloused Skin by Ear


Mar 19, 2023
Akron, OH
This hen is regularly scratching the spot by her left ear with her left foot. It is not bleeding, but the skin is rough like a callus. She does not seem to be behaving strangely in any particular ways. Is this something I should be concerned about? It does not seem to be painful or sensitive to the touch.



That could be a fungal infection. Have you checked the area and the rest of her body for lice or mites on the skin, or their eggs? I would clean the area with Betadine or povidone iodine which you can find at Walmart in the first aid aisle. Then use some miconazole or clotrimazole fungal cream on the area daily. Check her ear canal as well with a QTip for any ear mites or gunk. Here is what to look for for lice or mites and their eggs:
Permethrin spray or garden dust is usually a good treatment if you find any. A second treatment in 7-10 days is recommended.
Is it possible that aggressive mating tactics from our rooster could cause this type of injury if he bites here on the side of her head by her ear when mating?
Noticed another bird that wa getting a bit bare on her lower back. Thought it might be over mating, but I never noticed any unusual mating with her.
Examined her as they went to bed, and saw a small, dark bug scamper away among her feathers. Guessing we have an infestation of mites! Or are these lice? Did not see any eggs, but this was quick and also my first such inspection. A few other hens are experiencing feather loss just above the tail, so this might be worse than I thought.

to complicate matters, we also have seven brand new chicks, and two mother hens taking care of them.

If we don’t have a large area to put the hens and roosters when we spray down the coop, how are we supposed to treat all of the birds?

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