round up and birth defects, tell me something I didn't already know

So was it just Round Up? Or real genetically modified crops like Round Up Ready soybeans? Round Up in itself is not even on the list of the most dangerous pesticides. But engineering a plant to make it, makes it extremely potent (speaking the pesticide only right now in the plant)- yes it has been measured- compared to the same amount of just regular Roundup. And that's not even the most dangerous part about it. Parts of the plants have levels of the toxin so high that none would ever legally be allowed if it was really communicated and had more research to back it up. By splicing a gene unlimited changes in DNA can and do occur, and all the proteins, markers, stoppers and jobs can go out of control and it does not have the ability to fix itself. And there has been a lot of science- both good and bad about GMS. But it has been proven there are a lot people (caught redhanded) that do bad science to try to market the crops. There has also been a lot of good scientific research that has been done, that has been witnessed and reviewed by many universities around the world and scientists. I have been studying this in depth all my life. You come to realize that the majority of the people who say GMs are ok for you are related to or involved in governments and scientists associated with such research that work for the GM companies themselves. Many times the GM companies have been taken to court by many, and have been flat out been proved to be lying. Most of these cases proved beyond any doubt that GM's and the companies were at wrong. But the judges have been paid off. Some have even been told directly by judges privately that they were sincerely sorry and knew what was going on but could not or would not be able to rule on the truth.
Check this book out- Genetic Roulette- the author has only gathered many evidences from a huge background and studies in detail and has all of his sources for them. He dares people to really study the issue if they are at all hesitant. So read his book and go talk to farmers and explore. Decide for yourself but if you don't really search, and use just our media to tell you things, you could be leaving yourself in the dark. Truth witnesses.
Looks like the chooks aren't the only ones stuck with corn


Tell me about it. If only you had seen that movie. They touched on the E-Coli problems stemming from feeding cows mainly corn. The documentary said that if they would just put the cows in a grass field for 5 days before slaughter, 80% of the E-Coli bacteria strain would have left their bodies. Instead, they take the meat and douse it with ammonia and "clean" the bacteria out of the meat, and it goes off to be used for filler meat (most likely McDs). I've gone crazy trying to find out how many people I have to split a cow with to be able to afford to buy one from one of my neighbors here. I can SEE their cows eating grass, lol!

A few years ago several people were sickened by e coli from unpasteurized apple juice. I think a child died. The source of the e coli contamination was found to be, drumroll please, deer droppings. By the way, these deer were not fed corn nor were they kept in crowded feedlots. They liked apples though. Snuck into the apple orchard to feast on apples and deposited droppings.
How long has Roundup been used on crops? Just wondering. Has it been many years or just 10 or so. Has it been shown beyond a doubt to cause problems long term?

I can understand why the government pushes it. It's all about feeding the masses in my opinion. I think they feel the good outweighs the bad. I think a lot of decisions are made that way. I'm sure there's a lot of corruption in there too. Human nature being what it is.
Genetics are a very complex subjects and people go to school for years with continuing education and it is nonsense to sit and claim all the bad that comes from it by reading a few study results without the full knowledge and education it takes to fully understand the complexity of the matter...hyperbole! Take off the sandles unbraid the ponytails and have a good old fashioned beer (from GMO grains and hops) you won't even know the difference.
Lets hope you're right. I think it's here to stay. I'm kind of with you on this one.

I don't have a ponytail, but I would like to try out some Birkenstocks. DW says my feet are too ugly though. Oh well, you can't get much done with those on anyway. At least I can't. Beer sounds good today.

Tell me about it. If only you had seen that movie. They touched on the E-Coli problems stemming from feeding cows mainly corn. The documentary said that if they would just put the cows in a grass field for 5 days before slaughter, 80% of the E-Coli bacteria strain would have left their bodies. Instead, they take the meat and douse it with ammonia and "clean" the bacteria out of the meat, and it goes off to be used for filler meat (most likely McDs). I've gone crazy trying to find out how many people I have to split a cow with to be able to afford to buy one from one of my neighbors here. I can SEE their cows eating grass, lol!

A few years ago several people were sickened by e coli from unpasteurized apple juice. I think a child died. The source of the e coli contamination was found to be, drumroll please, deer droppings. By the way, these deer were not fed corn nor were they kept in crowded feedlots. They liked apples though. Snuck into the apple orchard to feast on apples and deposited droppings.

Sheesh....I think I'm just gonna stop eating...period.
Seriously though,it just goes to show how much environmental damage comes from mankind.We have caused so many things to go out of balance it effects all living things
Round Up in itself is not even on the list of the most dangerous pesticides
But engineering a plant to make it, makes it extremely potent

That statement shows you really don't understand GMO's since the plants do NOT "make Roundup", or any other "toxins".

It's also why most pay no attention to those who complain the loudest about chemicals.​
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Humans get the blame as it comes with being at the top of the food chain.

A few years ago several people were sickened by e coli from unpasteurized apple juice. I think a child died. The source of the e coli contamination was found to be, drumroll please, deer droppings. By the way, these deer were not fed corn nor were they kept in crowded feedlots. They liked apples though. Snuck into the apple orchard to feast on apples and deposited droppings.

Sheesh....I think I'm just gonna stop eating...period.
Seriously though,it just goes to show how much environmental damage comes from mankind.We have caused so many things to go out of balance it effects all living things
Sheesh....I think I'm just gonna stop eating...period.
Seriously though,it just goes to show how much environmental damage comes from mankind.We have caused so many things to go out of balance it effects all living things

Considering we are the most prolific species on the planet there is little doubt we have the biggest impact of any animal. We do deserve a lot of blame for the mess we created.

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