round up and birth defects, tell me something I didn't already know

One thing not mentioned here is that with studies one needs to look at the restrictive criteria many studies are based on. Many times the results are obvious before the studies are done. This is a very common tactic used in a number of fields to keep the research dollars coming in and the clients happy. Look at the history of drugs being pulled from the market and then look at the studies that allowed them to go to market in the first place. Many examples like this out there.
That statement shows you really don't understand GMO's since the plants do NOT "make Roundup", or any other "toxins".

It's also why most pay no attention to those who complain the loudest about chemicals.

They do.
" The second most popular GM trait is a built in pesticide. A gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, is inserted into corn and cotton DNA, where it produces pesticidal toxins in every cell.
About 68% of the crops are engineered to resist an herbicide, about 19% produce their own pesticide, and 13% do both. The zucchini, squash, and papaya, which together comprise less than 1% of the GM market, are engineered from modified viral genes designed to resist infection from a single type of plant virus." -Genetic Roulette p.7
Not to split hairs here but there are 6 million insects for every human on the Earth, hence pesticides. Funny no one complains about misquito control.

Considering we are the most prolific species on the planet there is little doubt we have the biggest impact of any animal. We do deserve a lot of blame for the mess we created.
My cousin is a Geneticist, he did one privately funded research project on Round up Ready GM Canola. Some research projects come with a confidentiality clause, the one on GM/RR Canola did. He did say tries to avoid eating GMO when possible but it is in almost everything.
Oh and he does drink beer but doesn't have ponytails.

kd7ike is right, gylphosate is genetically "gunned" into the DNA of the plant.

they have made a GM Mosquito that is supposed to wipe out malaria
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Considering we are the most prolific species on the planet there is little doubt we have the biggest impact of any animal. We do deserve a lot of blame for the mess we created.

I think even the mosquito population has been impacted by man...think of all the areas we create by being completely "piggish" that are true breeding grounds for them(even in our own yards).As for control? I don't know about large scale control but there are plenty of natural ways to deter them from biting you.I have used MooShoo geraniums on my porch with great success.And they look and smell nice

Another way is to go in when they are out the heaviest!
You are forgetting how many wetlands have been drained and back filled, there is less suitable habitat now than ever. Part of the reason flooding is so bad the water is trying to reclaim the wetlands that helped alleviate flooding. Mosquito fish help tremendously.

I think even the mosquito population has been impacted by man...think of all the areas we create by being completely "piggish" that are true breeding grounds for them(even in our own yards).As for control? I don't know about large scale control but there are plenty of natural ways to deter them from biting you.I have used MooShoo geraniums on my porch with great success.And they look and smell nice

Another way is to go in when they are out the heaviest!
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I think even the mosquito population has been impacted by man...think of all the areas we create by being completely "piggish" that are true breeding grounds for them(even in our own yards).As for control? I don't know about large scale control but there are plenty of natural ways to deter them from biting you.I have used MooShoo geraniums on my porch with great success.And they look and smell nice

Another way is to go in when they are out the heaviest!

That's true...hadn't put all that thought into it! But I am still as a rule against chemical usage.I do understand some use is unavoidable but I really prefer the natural methods as much as possible.I personally choose to deal with my weeds by means of the geese than anything like Round Up...any of those products are not healthy for humans or the environment.
I have a 15 year old that likes to get in trouble so weeds are losing the battle here. I remove all standing water have mosquito fish in my pond and in the troughs. I am no fan of chemicals either but some battles are not worth the effort, I just buy what I hope is safe as far as food and actually have not sprayed round up or anything really in about 3 years. The sheep, chickens , ducks and horses take care of most problems. I was asked a few months back if I would rent my chickens to an organic greenhouse farmer.

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