Royal Palm Tom won't shut up!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 15, 2012
Central Foothills of California
I have a tom who is a little less than a year old. I've had him and a hen since they were about a week old. He's very friendly and attached to people. They free range along with my 6 peacocks and some chickens. He is obsessed with us. He sits by the windows and doors waiting for us to come outside. Now that it's spring my hen wanders off during the day and the peacocks roost in the shade near the barn, but he walks around the house from door to window gobbling non-stop until someone will go outside with him. My neighbor who is 10 acres away is complaining (long story, we have an on-going feud because his hounds bark 24 hrs a day so now he wants to complain about my gobbler). Anyway, is there anything I can do to shut him up? Besides put him in the freezer! I can let him in the house & he'll shut up, but I don't want him in here all day! He's driving me nuts!
Lol, thank you ... That's kind of what I was afraid to hear. I'm not sure I can handle more turkeys. So far they are the noisiest & neediest of all my animals! But I think you are probably right. Unfortunately I think no matter how many hens he has, he thinks he's one of the dogs and belongs in the house with us.
Turkeys will bond strongly to humans. But I agree with Feedman. A few girlfriends would help!

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