Run flooring ideas


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
Hello! My chicks have some time before they're ready to be outside, but the setup will be an 8x8 Chicken pen with coop attached. Was wondering what everyone uses for their flooring in an enclosed run. Our ground is sand here (North Florida) but I don't think you're supposed to leave the ground bare. I also read somewhere straw is no good. Open to suggestions! What you use and how you purchase it for large areas!

also adding another question to my post- how often will I need to clean an 8x8 run with 6 hens? Im talking fully clear out the flooring and replace it.
I use construction sand in my run. I also use sand in my coops for bedding. It's cheap, easy to scoop the poop with a cat littler scooper, and the chickens love digging in it and dirt bathing in it. It also acts as a heat sink in winter and easy to wet down in summer to achieve an evaporative cooling effect.

I replace the sand as it gets low, and that takes care of any soiled sand as it sifts down to the original soil level.
No, I do not compost poop mixed with sand. I tried it and it becomes heavy and dense, holding water and not decomposing. I tried using it in my garden after one year, and it killed everything except the squash.
Thanks for the experience ! Using poop for the garden is a big part of us having chickens, so we’ll definitely steer clear of sand.
This confuses me but it must be our very different climates. I put poop with sand on it from my poop boards directly in my garden in winter. Winter rain leaches it down and by spring it's ready for planting. Some times if I clean nest boxes or I have chicks, pine shavings, hay and straw are in the mix but for the most part it's poo and sand.
I am adding to my coop because my broody hatched 3 chicks. I bought a prefab one and the run does not have a floor in it. I wondered if a large metal dog crate tray under the entire thing would keep predators out. I would then add sand on top.
Are you able to compost the poop with sand? I saw this idea for the coop on the Chicken Chick but my husband isn’t on board because he wants to use the poop for his garden.
Compost the sandy poop by spreading it around the pile and mix with other debris like leaves, kitchen scraps. I use a pitchfork to "fluff" it and sand will eventually go down. The bottom of the pile is what you're wanting on your garden

Fresh waste from the run with poop is too strong at first and your garden will not be what you hoped. Over winter rains, etc. it leaches out and makes it milder. Really the 3rd year is best.

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