Run Size for 10 birds?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 16, 2011
Zephyrhills, Florida
I'm using a 8'w X 6'h Black and Decker Storage shed as a coop. I've removed a panel on the back so the chickens can have access to the run and I'm leaving the doors free so I can walk in and clean the coop. The panel I removed: from the ground to the top of the opening is 6'... so would a 8'w X 6'h X 10'L run be enough space for them to hang out in all day? I'll be letting them out at dusk to forage ( so I can keep an eye on them ).
Hi there. I wondered what type of chickens you have? Large breed or smaller breed chickens. Also, I noticed you mentioned you would let them out at dusk to forage. Also, I could be wrong (not familiar with all breeds) but my chickens head straight to the roost right before dusk. Not sure they will be ready to forage at that time. BTW, I have learned on BYC that for larger breed chickens 10sq. ft. per bird (at least) for outside run space and 4sq. ft. per bird for inside space.

Hope that helps in some way!
Thanks for the response...

At this time I don't actually have any chickens. I want to build our run before we buy any. I'm really wanting Red Star chicks. Just need to find a breeder in my area and I'll be good to go
Not sure if Red Star would be consider a large breed, since this would be my first time owning a flock.

I guess i didn't mean dusk per say...I'll be letting them out about 6pm
I 100% agree with peepblessed! We thought in the beginning that we were only getting 7 chickens. We got (what we thought was) a huge coop for 7 large breed birds. Well.....we ended up with 10!! We just got our chickens in March and are already redoing the inside of our coop to give the girls more space. lol. We have two of the Red Stars, great choice! They are a larger breed but smaller than say a Buff Orpington, Australorp, etc. They are my best, consistant layers and don't pig out on the feed too much. They are also pretty quiet for the most part compared to my other bossy girls. lol

Post pictures when you can of your coop and then of course we all want to see the chicks!! That's the best part!!
After doing the math on our coop and run size, we've come to the conclusion that we're only gonna be able to get 4 Red Star girls
DH says if things go well with the first 4 we'll consider building a bigger coop next year. There's only 4 of us, so 4 girls laying 6-7 eggs per day will be more then we need right now. But I'm sure once we get them, I'm gonna fall in love with them and want more...LOL!

DH sometimes has to put his foot down (usually he doesn't win
) but we just closed on this house and depleted all of our savings, so I'm gonna have to be happy with just the 4 for now.
The 'accepted' space for runs is 10 sf per adult chicken. So if the run were 8'x10' that's 80 sf so it would feasibly be enough room for 8 chickens. I wouldn't want to put that many grown chickens in that space though. It would be heavenly and lots of room for 4-5 chickens who were hatch-mates (since hatch-mates are pretty much guaranteed to get along). I think it's a really good idea you have. Some people do get more chickens than they can take care of. But just set your number ahead of time and stick to it. It's called self-control
If you want more build another pen before you get the new chickens. Once 4-5 hens started laying you'd have more than enough eggs for your family, especially Red Stars. And you will LOVE baby chick antics lol!
Oops-just saw your last post-you'll be very happy with your 4. I promise.
Way to be responsible!! 4 will be just as rewarding! I have to tell you that we have spent WAY more on our coop than I ever thought we would! The initial investment is more than you think or even calculate out in the beginning. Our biggest cost was the hardware wire (best to keep them safe from predators) and the roof panels for the run. (We have quite a bit of rain here in WA so I want to keep them dry.) I also think it is better to give the girls more than the 10sq. ft., which added the additional cost. We let our free range most of the day but in their run they have 14sq. ft. per girl. You will have 4 happy girls in the space you are providing them. : )
A first year hens' laying abilities are one egg about every 24 - 26 hours so you'll only get 1 egg per day from each hen in the first year, and after the first year some breeds cut down drastically on egg production
I too think more than an egg a day is unrealistic...I figure on 2 every 3 days will be my average. and when I floor raised commercially I did 1 sq/ft per bird...they were pullets tho...but 4 ft per bird seems a tad large..

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