~Run With The Pack~ Wolf Story

Chapter 14


Faedon leaped off as the caribou collapsed onto the ground with a thud. Aki and Zero, who had helped take it down, came forward. Weeks had passed since Darkpack had attacked, and Cedar had died. Though the physical wounds had healed, it would take much longer for the hole in Faedon's heart to heal.

Aki howled to inform the pack of the kill. Senkah and Hades came shortly after, leading Quartz, Thunder, Rain, Nike, and Mari. Senkah took her usual spot by the neck with Hades, and Aki waited until the wolves who wanted the legs had pried them off before taking his seat at the caribou's stomach. Faedon sat by him, burying her muzzle and tearing out chunks of meat. Blood as red as her fur stained her muzzle as she ate.

She swiveled her ears behind her, before turning to look out towards the horizon when she heard several sounds. What is that? she thought, It sounds like it's coming from Pinepack... Her fur prickled a bit with apprehension at not being able to identify what it was.

Thunder must have heard the sounds too, as his ears turned behind him and he glanced around, looking up from the leg he was sharing with Rain. "What is that?" he asked, his brows furrowing.

Nike looked at his father oddly. "I don't hear anything..."

"You don't hear that?" Faedon gave Nike the same look he'd given Thunder. "It sounds like it's coming from Pinepack... but what is it?"

"I've been hearing it since we got here," Senkah said. "I was wondering if anyone else was hearing it."

"Should we send someone to check it out?" Hades asked his mate.

Nike shot to his paws. "I will!" he exclaimed.

"Nike!" Rain scolded, "sit down and respect your alphas!" Nike grumbled, but listened.

"You think it's safe?" Senkah asked Hades, pretending that Nike and Rain hadn't spoken. Faedon listened to their conversation, ready to help if it was needed.

"I don't know," Hades said. "We need to know if it is or not, though."

"But isn't it a bit silly to check it out?" Zero wondered, but remained submissive and unchallenging, "I-I mean, no disrespect intended, but if Pinepack's in trouble, wouldn't it be wiser to not get ourselves involved?"

"You do speak sense, Zero," Senkah said, "Thing is, we need to know if it could affect us or not, and if it is dangerous." Zero nodded, and didn't say a word more about it. "Alright then, it's decided. Aki, when you finish, I need you to go and check out what's happening in Pinepack, alright?"

"Yes," Aki nodded, wolfing down another mouthful of caribou. Faedon felt a twinge of anxiety for him. She dearly hoped he'd be okay.

Aki rose to his paws after eating. He gnawed at an itch on his foreleg, and Faedon's heart thrummed in her chest. "Be safe, Aki," she murmured. "Don't be reckless."

Aki smiled at Faedon. "Oh, I'll be fine! Don't worry." He gave her a reassuring lick on the forehead. Faedon nodded, but was barely comforted. She sighed as she saw him sprint away, heaving herself to her paws and trudging back to camp.

Faedon settled down beside one of the pine trees inside the densite to rest. The sky was as gray as a wolf's pelt; it promised more snow soon. Faedon had taken advantage of the cleared snow to run and stretch her legs a bit after eating, as she surely wouldn't be able to do it tomorrow. Her fur was like fire against the snowy landscape.

"Hi, Faedon," Quartz chirped as she came over to sit beside her friend.

"Hey, Quartz," Faedon greeted her dust-colored packmate. She and Quartz could be considered friends, but not very close ones.

"What do you think those sounds were?" Quartz asked, "I sure hope the hunters aren't back again."

"Nah, the hunters wouldn't be here now. It's too cold for their liking," Faedon said. "The cowards probably can't take a bit of temperature."

"I hope so..." Quartz murmured, looking off into Pinepack's direction. "Aki's been gone for an awfully long time."

Faedon suddenly felt another twinge of anxiety. "He'll be back soon..." I hope.

"You're right. I should stop worrying so much," Quartz grinned a bit sheepishly.

"You wanna go hunting tomorrow before the frost?" Faedon asked, licking her fire-colored paws.

"Sure!" Quartz smiled, wagging her tail a bit.

"Quartz!" Zero called from the other end of the clearing.

"Oh, Zero and I are going hunting," Quartz explained to Faedon as she rose to her paws. "I'll see you later, Faedon!"

"Bye," Faedon called, then sighed. A part of her longed for companionship, but she'd never admit it, being the stubborn wolf she was. She wondered if she and Quartz would become friends.

She lifted her ears as she saw Quartz and Zero come racing back in. "Aki's back!" Zero barked, her fur bristling.

Faedon jumped to her paws, trotting over to her. "What'd he say?" she demanded, relieved that he was okay.

"He won't say. He just says that he needs to speaks to Senkah and Hades right now," Zero replied, with confusion and fear in her blue gaze.

Just then, Aki came flying into camp. His eyes were wild with panic, and his red and gray fur stood on end. "MOVE!" he barked at Quartz and Zero, who stumbled out of the way.

"What is it?" Faedon yelped, almost afraid to know the answer. It took a lot to scare Aki, and whatever it was, it wasn't good.

Aki's chest heaved for air. "Pinepack..." he gasped, "Darkpack has driven out Pinepack!"

Instantly, Senkah and Hades raced out of their den. All the other wolves crowded around him, their voices rising with questions.

"Really?!" Zero yelped.

"When did this happen?" Thunder shouted.

"Was Atra there?" Mari demanded.

"Are Splash and Echo okay?" Quartz cried.

"QUIET!" Senkah howled, silencing the pack. "Aki, what happened? What did you see?"

Aki was still gasping for air. "I-I crossed the border, because when I reached it, the sounds were obviously fighting. When I got there, Darkpack had invaded Pinepack's densite. Fox... Fox was unconscious, Luna had Echo pinned, and River had Splash by his throat. Atra got on the alpha's rock, and told the Pinepack wolves that if they didn't surrender their land and flee, that they would die. Echo didn't want to, but Splash convinced her to flee. They're in the loner lands now."

Senkah's brows were furrowed as she listened. "Is Darkpack still in Pinepack's territory?"

"Yes. Atra trusted Ebony, his mate, Fox, and a small group to stay at Pinepack's densite and guard the land," Aki explained, finally starting to catch his breath.

"How big is it?" Hades inquired, his pale eyes narrowed, "Is it small enough to be driven away?"

"No. Darkpack's ranks have swollen since they attacked us," Aki explained. "They've been taking in many loners. They outnumbered Pinepack by many."

"This isn't good. At all." Senkah muttered, her midnight black fur prickling. The grim news had the Stonepack wolves worried, and Faedon was no exception.

"Do we... do we go find Pinepack and let them stay here?" Faedon asked uneasily.

"Once we're prepared enough to ward off another Darkpack attack, should they want to exterminate us next," Senkah replied. "Until then, Pinepack will need to make it on their own. I don't want Pinepack to die out, but I won't put Stonepack above them."

"But... Pinepack might not make it!" Quartz protested, "They don't have a ton of wolves as it is!"

"Quartz, did you not hear what I just said?!" Senkah barked roughly, making Quartz flinch. "We ARE going to help Pinepack! But I'm not going to risk Stonepack lives for Pinepack's and leave us open to attack!" Quartz nodded, lowering herself in submission.

"What are we gonna do about Darkpack?" Faedon inquired.

"Firstly, we need to tell Emeraldpack about this. We don't know who will be targeted next, but they don't have a ton of wolves, and knowing Atra, she'd take advantage of that," Senkah explained. "After that, when we're secure enough and have a strategy to fight off Darkpack if they come here, we'll offer to shelter Pinepack. They'll probably want their own densite, so we'll build one for them. Aki, can I trust you to lead the wolves who will be doing that?"

"Yes," Aki nodded.

"Good. Then, Zero, Quartz, Mari, and Nike will be building Pinepack's temporary densite with Aki. Everybody else will help strengthen the defenses, and Hades and I will organize a strategy." The pack barked their agreement. "Good. We'll start working first thing tomorrow. Faedon, I'd like to speak with you in my den."

"O-okay," Faedon agreed hesitantly.

The pack parted ways, speaking in low murmurs. Reluctantly, Faedon padded to her mother's den. Had she done something wrong? "Mother?" Faedon called tentatively into Senkah's cave.

"Come in, Faedon. You don't have to ask permission to come in," Senkah said. Swallowing, Faedon stepped inside.

"W-what did you need?" Faedon asked.

"I need you to go to Emeraldpack again," Senkah said. "Tell them about Pinepack being driven out, and that I would like to speak to Nyx and Storm."

"Okay. Do I leave now?" Faedon asked. She felt a twinge of excitement; she always enjoyed going into another pack's territory, no matter the situation. It was like stepping into another unexplored world, and even if it stunk to high heaven with the other pack's scent, it thrilled her.

"Yeah," Senkah nodded. "Darkpack will most likely wait for their wounds to heal before they make a move again, but you never know. And remember, don't risk your life. If Darkpack happens to be attacking when you arrive, come back."

"I know, mom!" Faedon grumbled, rising to her paws.

Senkah licked her daughter's forehead. "Just looking out for you, since you're so reckless."

"I am not!" she protested. "I'll be back." Faedon turned and sprinted for the entrance, bounding for Emeraldpack's land.

Once she reached the border, she howled to let them know she was coming, before crossing it. She remembered the way that Lark had shown her to Emeraldpack's densite as she raced through the conifer forest. She skidded to a stop as a figure leaped in front of her.

"Faedon?" Nyx cocked a brow. "What are you doing here?" The Emeraldpack alpha's tone wasn't threatening, nor did it have a growl etched into it, but she was definitely questioning and by no means friendly.

"I bring an urgent message from the alphas of Stonepack," Faedon panted. She was used to running, but not such great distances. "Storm needs to hear this."

Nyx's expression softened ever so slightly, with a hint of worry behind her eyes. "Alright. Come back with me to the densite." Nyx turned and began to dash away; Faedon followed after her, kicking up snow as she bounded along.

"What's she doing here?" Lark growled when they reached the densite, looking up from the hare she was eating. Her muzzle was red with the hare's blood. The Emeraldpack beta eyed Faedon suspiciously.

"She needs to speak with Storm and I," Nyx replied, dismissing her beta with a look that gave her no room to argue. Lark nodded, but didn't take her eyes off the red Stonepack she-wolf.

Storm was carrying a mouse in his jaws; Faedon noticed that his leg had healed since the time she'd last seen him, and he was walking on it now. "Come with me, Storm," Nyx said to her mate as she padded towards the alpha's den. Storm nodded, padding into the den with his mate, but making sure he stepped in front of Faedon. Faedon suppressed a growl; if she was in Stonepack, she would have chewed out whoever had the nerve to step in front of her like that, but she had to deliver the message.

"What is it?" Storm asked, setting the mouse down on a rock by his and Nyx's nests.

Faedon cleared her throat. "Aki went to investigate some strange sounds earlier today," she began. "Darkpack has driven Pinepack out and claimed their land."

Her only reply for several minutes was stunned silence. The two alphas' jaws dropped, and Faedon could practically feel the tension in the den skyrocket. Finally, Nyx uttered, "W-w-what... h-how..."

Faedon bit her lip. The news of one of the six, or rather, five packs losing their land and being driven out had to be distressing enough, but Emeraldpack was now threatened. "My mother wanted me to tell you that she wants to speak to you and Storm soon."

It took a few more moments for a reply again. "Alright," Storm uttered, his voice quiet. "Th-thank you for telling us, Faedon."

"It would be best if you went back now," Nyx murmured. "The pack is going to be in a frenzy when we tell them."

Faedon nodded. "I'll-I'll go home now." Faedon lifted herself to her paws, and turned and pelted away to the Stonepack border.
Chapter 15


Faedon's paws churned up clumps of mud and dirt as she dug into the ground. The ground, which was rocky as this part of Stonepack's land was in the mountains, didn't affect her all that much, surprisingly enough. Having grown up in the mountains her entire life, Faedon's paws were tough. Aki worked alongside her as they dug out the alpha's den of Pinepack's temporary densite.

"Do you need the logs yet?" Mari asked as she came up behind them.

"Almost," Faedon grunted, pushing a small boulder with Aki to its side to help support it. "There. Now we do," Faedon said, shaking out some dust from her pelt. Mari nodded, and trotted away. When she returned, she was pushing two logs over to the den. She went about her way, going over to work with Nike.

Faedon couldn't help noticing how much time Mari and Nike were spending together. Maybe they'll be mates soon, Faedon thought, with a bit of bitterness. Why did every wolf seem to pass her by, dismiss her so quickly? The only wolf she really felt she could open up to was Aki. Her mother and father were so weighed down with the responsibilities of the pack as it was, and Darkpack's threat was no help.

"Hey Faedon, can you help me push up this log?" Aki asked, snapping Faedon out of her bitter thoughts.

"Y-yeah, sure thing, Aki." Faedon blinked, and turned around. She pushed her weight into it, grunting as Aki helped pull it down. They lodged it well between the opening of the den and the
"There," Aki stated with satisfaction. The two wolves continued placing the logs around the entrance to the den, giving it a sheltered, secure entrance. "It's finished." Aki would have grinned, if the situation wasn't so dire. "Echo and Splash will have a nice place to stay. At least until they go home."

"Maybe they won't want to go home," Faedon joked. She enjoyed being around Aki, and he was really the only wolf she felt she could open up and show her kind side to. Deep down, Faedon really was a sweet wolf... But troubled, and she didn't know how to express her kindness well. And to make things worse, she was lonely. It would be a lie to say that she didn't feel jealous of wolves like Rain, who was friends with everyone in the pack and had a loving mate. She felt guilty about her jealousy issues, but it didn't change anything.

Aki couldn't suppress a chuckle. His smile faded, and he glanced around the makeshift densite that the wolves had formed in a couple of hours. He stepped over to the large rock that would serve as Pinepack's alpha's rock; the densite had been strategically placed, so that any sound coming from the alpha's rock would carry. If anything funny was planned by Pinepack, Stonepack would know. Senkah didn't believe that Pinepack would... but hard times were coming, and the more prepared they were and the more they knew, the better.

Aki jumped onto the rock, calling out, "Are we finished?" The makeshift densite had been nearly completed in a couple of hours.

Mari glanced around, "I ah, think so!" Her tail started to wag, but stopped. Her ears drooped a bit; Faedon guessed that she was feeling sympathy for Pinepack.

Aki nodded. "Great. I'll go tell Senkah and Hades." He turned and sprinted away. Glad to run, Faedon raced after him, bounding joyfully. She slowed down as she and Aki approached the densite.

"Did you finish?" Hades called, padding over to the two wolves. He had just helped dig out another den with Thunder, evident by the dirt on his paws.

"Yup," Aki nodded. "Should we go fetch Pinepack yet?"

"If you're finished, yes," Senkah said, coming over to her mate's side. "The sooner Pinepack has better protection, the better. I don't expect Atra to get her wolves wounded over killing them off, but I wouldn't put it past her, either." Senkah muttered a few angry words under her breath.

"Right," Aki nodded. He turned to the red she-wolf beside him, "Faedon, you coming?"

"Yeah," Faedon agreed. She looked back to her parents. "We'll be back soon," she promised. Senkah nodded, going back to work with Hades as Faedon and Aki turned and left.

"Pinepack's pride is going to be injured for sure," Aki commented as he padded along. "No pack wants to admit that they need help from another pack."

Faedon sniffed, "Well, they can swallow it. They aren't exactly in a position to be opposing help."

"I know. I'm just warning you about what to expect," he shrugged. The familiar smell of Stonepack faded a bit as they crossed the border. All the scents of the six packs, as well as many strange loner scents mingled together. Faedon's fur began to bristle as she noticed that Darkpack's scent was particularly strong.

Those birdbrained murderers! They really do think they're entitled to all the territories! she thought scornfully. She blinked as a strong piney stench reached her nose suddenly. A claw of uneasiness tugged at her fur. What will they think when they see us?

"Line your fur flat!" Aki hissed. Faedon hastily complied, her eyes on the lookout for any sign of Pinepack's wolves.

A red figure, not unlike Faedon, leaped in front of the Stonepack wolves with a snarl. Her eyes blazed with fury, and before Aki and Faedon had hardly any time to react, she barked, "What are you-" She blinked when she noticed who it was. "Aki? Faedon?"

"Yeah, it's us." There was a growl deep in Aki's voice that you wouldn't really notice unless you knew him well. "We're here to speak with Splash and Echo."

"Okay," Fox nodded. She looked a bit ashamed about how she'd acted a few seconds ago. "I'm... I'm sorry, about being so aggressive there. We're just... on edge, you know." Faedon couldn't help noticing that Fox had worded that carefully. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"C'mon, Fox, we know about what happened. Don't try and hide it." Faedon didn't mean to be sharp, but that was how it came out.

Fox's ears drooped. Faedon hoped it wasn't because of her tone, and she regretted speaking to her like that. "Oh, okay then," Fox said quietly. "Follow me." She turned and padded away. Faedon and Aki followed her; the scent of Pinepack got stronger, but other scents still mingled.

A small makeshift densite had been formed inside the clearing of pine trees. The wolves were huddled inside the tiny, almost unbearable dens. They all had wounds of some kind from the fight with Darkpack a few days before. They were afraid, and just trying to survive. Faedon felt a wave of sympathy for these poor wolves; this was no way to live.

A bark from the other edge of the clearing jolted Faedon out of her thoughts of sympathy. "What are they doing here?!" A dark brown he-wolf was bristling, and his golden eyes were resting right upon Faedon and Aki.

Fox sighed, "Yukon, they don't mean us any harm. They just want to talk to Echo and Splash."

"And how do you know that?" Yukon growled.

"Yukon! Hush!" Faedon jerked her head away from Yukon when she heard another bark. Echo stepped out of her den, if you could call it that, followed by Splash. The "den" was really just a muddy hole in the ground. She looked stressed and deeply troubled, and her white and gray fur was stained red with dried, matted blood. She looked back up to Faedon and Aki. "What do you need?"

Aki bit his lip. He didn't know how the Pinepack wolves would take this. "Stonepack offers a place for Pinepack to stay, until your territory is taken back."

Yukon instantly leaped back to his paws, infuriated. "Absolutely not! We are-"

"Yukon, just SHUT UP!" Echo snapped. "Sit down and do not move or say a word until I say you can!" Yukon's gaze burned, but he reluctantly complied. Echo looked back to Aki and Faedon, a sigh escaping her. She looked over to her mate and beta. "Splash, Fox... what do you think?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

Splash closed his eyes, biting his lip. "We... we should accept. We've been struggling to survive just the past few days. We can't keep living like this. We can't live another week, let alone until we get out territory back."

Reluctantly, Fox added, "Y-yes. I agree."

Faedon looked up at the sky. Though it only had a few clouds, and the sun shone down, the air was still cold enough to leave the snow and ice intact. The wind smelled of more rain; the snow, which had been begging to come for a week now, would come the day after if it didn't come tomorrow. The wind was also strong, and it promised a strong, full-blown blizzard when the snow came.

"W-we're coming with you," Echo said, looking back over to Faedon and Aki. She tucked her tail a bit in reluctant submission. Aki nodded, and turned around, leading them back to Stonepack's territory. Yukon snarled, but hesitantly followed Splash and Echo. Faedon breathed in the familiar scents of Stonepack through her nose as they crossed the border, eventually reaching the makeshift densite.

"This is nice," Fox commented, "better than those dens in the loner lands..."

"Thank you so much for letting us stay here," Echo thanked Aki and Faedon softly.

"Tell Senkah and Hades we really appreciate it," Splash added, standing by his mate's side.

"We will," Aki nodded. "Let us know if anything is needed."

"We don't need anything," Yukon growled.

"Shut up!" Aki barked, snapping his jaws by Yukon's ear. Faedon was surprised that he had the guts to do that to another pack's wolf, and felt a flash of admiration for him. As they headed back, Faedon didn't understand why she felt so... jumpy around him.

"Are they here?" Senkah trotted over to them when they entered the densite.

"Yes," Faedon nodded. "They're settling in well."

"That's good," Hades nodded, padding over to stand by his mate's side for the news.

"Splash told us to tell you that they really appreciate it," Aki added.

Senkah nodded. "We're glad to help." She and Hades went about their ways. Hades leaned over to murmur something in his mate's ear.

Faedon's stomach growled. "I'm gonna go hunting," she told Aki, who nodded. Turning, she padded into the forest. If anyone was going to hunt, they had to do it now. The coming blizzard would drive everything into their holes. Faedon's paws prickled a bit as she padded through the snow; she could almost feel the cold now. Crouching, she watched a rabbit huddle under a bush, and she waited for the right moment to strike.


Faedon sat in a snowy clearing, gazing up at the stars. She was cold; she knew that if she could feel the cold's icy talons digging at her through her thick pelt, it had to be absolutely freezing. The needles on the pine trees were frosting over.

"Hey, Faedon." Faedon jumped a bit, startled, when she heard a voice behind her. "It's okay. It's just me, Aki."

Faedon's fur had started to prickle, but it fell back down. "Hey," she greeted him softly. She felt... so happy that he had come to sit with her.
"Whatcha doing?" he asked. Deep inside his yellow eyes, there was something strange; Faedon didn't know what it was. It looked a bit like a mix of... confusion... conflict... and something else.

"Just gazing up at the stars." The stars deeply intrigued Faedon, and she often wondered what they really were. The band that stretched across the sky, with tons of stars clustered inside and around it, especially intrigued her. Some wolves believed that the stars represented all the dead wolves, and when a wolf died, a new one appeared. Others believed that they represented all the living wolves or wolves that would be born one day, and when a wolf died, a star fell, and that was what a shooting star was.

"I see," Aki murmured. For several minutes, there was only silence between them. Faedon felt something raging within her. Deep down, Faedon knew she was in love... but she had a hard time idenifying it and expressing it, as she'd never felt it before. "Faedon..." Aki finally spoke up. His voice quavered a bit with nervousness.

"Yeah, Aki?" Faedon could tell that something was about to happen, but she didn't know what. Her heart beat faster with excitement.

Aki looked deep into her eyes. "Faedon..." He closed his eyes. "I need to tell you this. I... I didn't tell this to a wolf once, and it costed both of us greatly. Faedon... you're the kindest, sweetest wolf in this pack, and so loyal. Faedon... what I'm trying to say is... I love you." He studied his paws. "Will... will you be my mate?"

Faedon blinked in astonishment. Her mind whirled. "I-I love you too, Aki... But, we can't be mates!" she yelped, hoping she wouldn't hurt by saying that. Aki.

Aki's ears drooped. "Why not?" His voice was very quiet.

"What about Cedar?" Faedon whimpered. It hurt to push the words out... but it had to be said. She wanted to say yes... but it felt so wrong. "You love her... right?"

Aki looked at the ground. "Cedar will always hold a special place in my heart, Faedon. But... she'd want me to move on."

Faedon bit her lip. She knew this was true. "Then yes," she whispered, brushing up against him. "I love you, Aki."

Aki's entire face lit up. "I love you too, Faedon," he murmured, brushing his muzzle through her fur. He knew that Cedar would approve. Joyfully, he threw his head back and blasted out a short howl.

Faedon grinned. "Race ya to the densite!" she called, sprinting away. She noticed that dawn was beginning to break, but the clouds had come in quickly. Aki pelted after her, doing another short lived howl as he ran. Faedon joined in with it, as they raced back to the densite to give the pack the great news. The pack had another beta.

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