~Run With The Pack~ Wolf Story

Chapter 17

Faedon stretched and padded to the edge of the den, breathing in the crisp air. The forest had its usual smokey scent that Faedon loved. She stepped out into the densite, her paws leaving tracks in the snow. A harsh blizzard had arrived a few nights ago, and it hadn't stopped for two days. Faedon and Aki's den had caved in during the storm, and they had set up a new temporary den for them to stay in until the ground was soft enough to dig through. Right now, the ground was frozen and almost impossible to dig through.

Their new den was under a spruce tree inside the densite. Burrows inside the snow ran under and around the tree, and its branches made a surprisingly cozy roof. Faedon actually liked it more than she liked the old one, and she regretted that they'd only be able to stay in it during the winter.

Faedon looked at her belly for the millionth time within the past week, and frowned. She noticed that it had been growing steadily for a while now; but what confused her was, she only ate once in a blue moon. She couldn't; just looking at a dead animal would make her sick to her stomach, and if she tried to eat it, she'd throw it right back up.

I should go for a run, she thought. She slept all the time... perhaps that was what was making her gain weight. Shaking a few flakes of snow out of her pelt, she trotted away from the densite, breaking into a full blown sprint as she made her way down the mountains. But after only about a quarter of a mile, she was already feeling tuckered out. She forced herself onwards, but the pains in her chest and abdomen quickly grew unbearable and she slowed to a stop. She gasped for air, looking back at her belly again with outrage.

"My goodness! This is ridiculous!" she growled angrily to herself. "I can't be this out of shape! I can't even run this freaking short distance without feeling like I'm dying?" She keeled over with a gasp as a particularly sharp pain shot through her abdomen. "What is wrong with me?!" A whimper was etched deep into her voice.

She thought back to Mari. Mari and Nike had just announced the news of future pups to the pack today. "I can't be pregnant... can I?" Faedon murmured with uncertainty. "No. I'm not. I just... need to get in better shape... or something."

She staggered to her paws, taking in a few deep breaths before she padded into the forest. Even if she wouldn't eat, she'd catch something for Aki.

Pressing her nose to the ground, Faedon took in the nearby scents with a deep sniff. She smelled mouse, rabbit, and turkey. Somewhere nearby, there were some moose, too; Faedon couldn't take one down herself, but she'd tell Senkah and Hades about it later. Her stomach turned sour at the scents, but she forced herself to ignore it. She followed the turkey's scent trail, sinking to the ground as she saw it foraging in some pine needles. Bunching her hind legs, she sprang with perfect accuracy and swiftness.

The turkey squawked and tried to fly away, but Faedon dropped her paw down onto its back. She wrapped her jaws around its neck, and broke its neck quickly. The only sound that came from the bird was the sound of its spine cracking in two. Faedon's stomach did flips as the scent of blood hit her nose, and swallowing bile in her throat, she picked the bird up by its tail feathers.
She dragged it back to the densite, swallowing frequently and subduing the urge to gag the whole way. As soon as she got there, she dropped the turkey. "Where is Aki?" she gasped, her stomach spasming. This pain wasn't normal... it was getting worse and worse...

Senkah's brow furrowed with worry, and she trotted over to her daughter quickly. "He just left to go hunting with Zero and Thunder," she replied tersely. "Honey, what's wrong?" Hades padded up to his mate's side, his yellow eyes wide with concern.

"I-I..." A searing pain seized Faedon's abdomen, and she let out a loud yelp. She keeled over onto her side, pawing at her stomach as it cramped up in knots. This pain was worse than anything she'd ever experienced before. "This pain... What is it?!"

Panic gripped Senkah's heart and she dove down for her daughter. "Faedon!" she yelped, sniffing her daughter's belly. Her eyes grew to the size of full moons. "Faedon... you're in labor! You're about to have pups!"

"WHAT?!" Faedon shouted, breaking off into a yelp when another searing pain shot through her abdomen. By this time, a crowd was forming around her. "Get away!" she shrieked, snapping at the closest wolf.

"Someone, get Aki!" Senkah barked. Mari pelted out, and Senkah turned to Hades. "Okay. We need to get her to her den. Be careful."

Faedon shrieked in pain as Senkah lifted her up gently. "It's okay," Senkah murmured to her gently as she laid her onto Hades' back, "You'll be okay." Faedon grimaced, resisting the urge to lash out at her mother. Her teeth were clenched and she sucked in air in short, ragged gasps.

Senkah and Hades took her inside her den, laying her down gently on her nest. Faedon whimpered as she was set down, feeling another contraction clutch her belly. Senkah trotted away, and returned with a stick. "Bite down on this when it gets bad," she murmured gently. Faedon clenched her jaws tightly onto it, a whimper rising from her throat.

Mari, Zero, Thunder, and Aki came back. Aki looked inside the den urgently. "Is she okay?" he asked nobody in particular urgently, watching her with concerned eyes. Faedon was in too much pain to care that he was there.

Senkah padded over and sat beside him. "Birthing is very, very painful, but she'll be fine." Aki nodded, but was still frightened.

Mari leaned over to Nike. "I hope when I have our pups, it isn't as bad," she murmured. Quartz looked in, hoping that Faedon would be okay.

Faedon had had just about enough with the crowd forming around her. "OUT! Just GET OUT, all of you! OUT! OUT!" She rose up and snapped her jaws at them, collapsing with an ear piercing screech. The wolves, except for Senkah, Hades, and Aki backed away. Faedon whimpered, and bit down on the stick Senkah had given her so hard that her gums began to bleed.

Aki stepped inside tentatively. Faedon growled, Didn't I just tell everyone to get out?! She let out a shriek as the pain spiked suddenly, and she felt something give a jolt inside her.

The pup just moved!

"Agh..." Faedon whimpered, "It hurts so much..." She kicked at her abdomen, her sides shuddering.

Aki crouched down beside her in an instant, hovering over her. "Are you okay?"

Faedon didn't want to be cruel, but she was fed up. She snapped her jaws at him, but purposely missed. "I said OUT! I'm not a pup, Aki! Stop hovering over me!" She knew she'd feel bad about snapping later, but right now, she didn't care. A whimper rose to a screech as she felt the pup give a jerk inside her again.

Aki backed out, sitting down beside Hades and Senkah. "Why is she mad at me?" he murmured.

Hades glanced over at Aki with a stern, but brotherly look in his eyes. He was very protective of his daughter, but if he trusted anyone with her, it was Aki. "She's not. She's just in a lot of pain." His voice dropped a bit. "Senkah was worse when she was having Faedon. The scar on my cheek from when I got down in Senkah's face is only starting to go away."

"I can hear you." Senkah gave Hades a withering look. "You're exaggerating. You don't have a scar, Hades, and you never did. But I did give you a slash, and you know why I did that."

"Just... shut up..." Faedon grimaced. A howl rose from her throat, and her sides shuddered as a massive contraction shook her body. Her sides heaved and she gasped. She heard Aki suck in air, and Senkah quickly trotted in. Faedon suppressed the urge to snap at her. She heard Senkah's tongue rasping over something... and then a squeal.

Faedon bit down onto the stick as another contraction seized her. She felt two pups move again, and she whimpered. The pain was almost unbearable. She gasped as she felt the pup slide inside her again... and it was gone.

How much longer is this gonna take? Faedon thought desperately, cringing as another contraction clutched her insides again. She bit down hard on the stick. She whimpered, but it quickly rose to a howl as the third pup moved. There was one last drastic movement from the little pup.

And then... it was over.

Faedon's sides heaved as she gasped for air. Her breathing was growing steadier. Her paws quivered, and her stomach still felt like a bag of sand... but the contractions were over. She opened her eyes slowly, barely mustering up the energy to lift her head. "Mother?" She blinked up at Senkah weakly. "Is it over?"

Senkah licked her cheek. "It looks like it." Her sapphire blue eyes gazed deep inside Faedon's. "Congratulations, my daughter. You have three strong, healthy pups."

Faedon turned her head, and gazed down at them. Indeed, there were three pups by her belly; they were wiggling around blindly, nosing towards their mother's heat. Faedon was almost overwhelmed as her heart swelled with love for her newborn pups. She looked back to the entrance; Aki was watching joyfully. "Come meet your children, Aki," Faedon murmured.

The gray and red he-wolf padded inside, his eyes glued to the pups. Carefully, he laid down beside them. "Wow..." he whispered, his voice barely audible. Senkah padded to the entrance and took her seat beside Hades. The two alphas watched their daughter and her mate proudly.

Faedon blinked at her pups with wonder. One was a dark gray, almost blue, male with streaks of silver in his fur. He had a white belly, paws, ears, and tail tip like his mother. The second was a she-pup, and she was the spitting image of her father: Gray, with hints of red in her fur, and she had white socks. The last was another she-pup. She was like her mother: Red, with streaks of gray in her fur. Faedon's mind drifted back to her late best friend. Cedar...

"What will we name them?" Aki asked quietly, watching the newest members of Stonepack with amazed eyes.

"I know what we'll name this one." Faedon gently rasped her tongue over the red she-pup. "In honor of my best friend, she will be called Cedar."

Aki looked at Faedon with adoring eyes. "I love that."

Faedon nosed the gray and red she-pup. "Do you have any names in mind for her? She looks just like you. You should name her!"

"I've always liked Thistle," Aki suggested.

Faedon smiled. "I like that." She rasped her tongue over the male's head. "Do you like Kodiak, for him?"

Aki grinned. "It's perfect."

Faedon gazed at her new family with adoration and wonder. The pain of the birth was completely out of her mind now; it had definitely been worth it, without a doubt. "This is our family, Aki," Faedon breathed, her voice barely audible. Her voice rose a bit. "Cedar, Thistle, and Kodiak."
Wow, it's amazing. You are such an epic writer. This is not a critic throught on the story, but the whole time I just kept wondering how Faedon didn't know she was pregnant. XD I mean, when you think about it...

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