Runner can't lay egg or is a rubber egg!



Jun 15, 2018
Mt Hood Oregon
Hello :) I have 2 Indian runners. Phillis Diller and CarolAnne. CarolAnne in her first year gave me one egg a day. In her second year they became like rubber and that seemed to be the norm. I offered grit, crushed egg and just about anything that had calcium (except spinach) but she wouldn't eat shells or grit. 5 months ago she went through a period where she tried very hard to lay an egg but to no avail. It was hard to watch her suffer. She stands or lays without taking any food only water. In the past 2 weeks she has laid only 2 rubber eggs and as I write this she is trying once again. Each day she goes through this! She gets into the pool which is pretty cold water and there she stays. Each day it takes about 6 hours for her to be her self again, but no egg! I can't touch her because she will be terrorized and would probably die from fright! I feel helpless! I've called around to different vets in the area, and they only do large farm animals. I am at lost how to help my little friend :( Anyone have a suggestion or could tell me why this is happening to her? Thank you in advance!!
I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I'm sorry I don't have alot of time this morning and I have not dealt with this, but I did do a little research on what could be the cause of this.

  • Unable to absorb dietary calcium
  • Problem with the shell gland
  • Illness/Sickness
  • Diet too high in salt
  • Egg Drop Syndrome or Duck Atadenovirus.
These are somethings for you to check out. I would really look into the Duck Atadenovirus. Sadly there isn't much to be done if this is the case. You can treat any secondary bacterial infections and use supportive care.

As much as I don't like suggesting this, if you lose your duck, you should send her for a necropsy. This could help protect the rest of your and you will know what your dealing with.

When I get back today I will do more research.
A warm bath may help, along with calcium gluconate (I think thats right, but @Miss Lydia will know)

I hope the others can help, but I will be back later.
Also @CayugaJana could help.
Yes calcium gluconate if she is only drinking water try a small bowl of tepid water with the cal glu in it. If she likes thawed peas you can offer it over a small amount and get it into her that way. My lil Runner was off one day and I became worried since she was standing off by herself which if anyone has Runners knows they like to do all things together. It took her half a day to lay that rubber egg afterwards she was back to her old self and hasn’t laid one since. I can sure understand your stress though. You say you offer crushed egg shells and grit what about oyster shell? That is where they get their needed calcium when laying but even then sometimes they need extra. What are you feeding them? I know the feeling of helplessness when there isn’t a vet to look at our birds but we have to do the best we can and sometimes that is enough so get to TSC and get the calcium gluconate and start there. Hopefully that will help get those eggs back with hard shells so she can lay normal. Always a chance something else is going on too but to be having this problem this long makes me wonder about infection I don’t think she’d still be with you. Don’t worry about her dying of fright if you pick her up mine don’t like it either but once I pick them up they are docile. Place her in a tub of nice warm water let her float around in it warmth makes for relaxation cold causes us to stiffen up our muscles, we want her relaxed. I walk my Runner into their house and pick them up once in there it is still stressful for them but easier for both of us.
If she is laying shell-less eggs everytime, it could be a reproductive system defect.
As @Cayuga momma has said, stress, illness, can also cause shell-less eggs.
Calcium gluconate and Calcium citrate can be added to either her feed or water and is absorbed better than oyster shell grit.

Glad to see your not feeding spinach or kale as these and a few other greens such as chard, beets greens and Brussel sprouts can inhibit calcium uptake due to the oxalic acid they contain, which inhibits the absorption of calcium.

A deficiency in Vitamin D can also result in shell-less eggs.
If it is EDS there is nothing that can be done, there is no treatment.
Sorry your having to go through this, it's very frustrating and nerve wracking. Hope it's just a calcium issue and she comes around.
When I get back today I will do more research.
A warm bath may help, along with calcium gluconate (I think thats right, but @Miss Lydia will know)
A warm bath and calcium gluconate or calcium citrate is how I would treat mine. The calcium should be given orally at about 50 mg per pound of body weight.
If she is laying shell-less eggs everytime, it could be a reproductive system defect.
As @Cayuga momma has said, stress, illness, can also cause shell-less eggs.
Calcium gluconate and Calcium citrate can be added to either her feed or water and is absorbed better than oyster shell grit.

Glad to see your not feeding spinach or kale as these and a few other greens such as chard, beets greens and Brussel sprouts can inhibit calcium uptake due to the oxalic acid they contain, which inhibits the absorption of calcium.

A deficiency in Vitamin D can also result in shell-less eggs.
If it is EDS there is nothing that can be done, there is no treatment.
Sorry your having to go through this, it's very frustrating and nerve wracking. Hope it's just a calcium issue and she comes around.
Thank you! Vitamin D? How or what can I give her for that? Is layer crumble enough or right for ducks as it is for chickens?

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