*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Clankeyes-You know, now that you mention it one of my runners had a bit of a shiver also. I don't know why, but he does not do it any more. He is about 2-3 months old now. Maybe it is low niacin, just a bit weak. I haven't supplemented yet, but one of my younger ones that I just got seems to have a wobble, and after researching I think it is low niacin.
My runner, Rainbow with her pal Camo. ... her first set of feathers are coming in. . Kinda of a grey color. . Will it stay that color? Also not sure ofcourse if for sure female. .i am assuming since she is super noisy. . From the moment i bought her. . she has been very loud and non stop with her chirping..i read somewhere that females are mostly the noisy ones. . Is this true?


Clankeyes-You know, now that you mention it one of my runners had a bit of a shiver also. I don't know why, but he does not do it any more. He is about 2-3 months old now. Maybe it is low niacin, just a bit weak. I haven't supplemented yet, but one of my younger ones that I just got seems to have a wobble, and after researching I think it is low niacin.
I have added yeast/niacin to their food since we brought them home 3 wks ago. I asked around. Seems this is common and they will outgrow it. We have 2 KC and 2 Indian R. just my 1 runner does this.

We got 2 runners like this can anyone tell me what they are crossed with please ?

I don't know, I am a newbie with ducks! I hope someone knows. I guess we will eventually find out! I think I might have a girl in my bunch. I hope I have more! I have to separate my older boys from the little ones as they get a bit aggressive, especially in the pool. I let them hang out for a bit only when I can watch them. My new ones are very skittish, I think they hate me! Not all four are runners. I think one is some kind of cross, but they sure are cute!
So I am asking the same question-anybody know what type of runners these are and what are the non runners? Thanks! Sorry my photos kinda suck!

Hello, I have 2 black runners they are 5 almost 6 wks old. 2 weeks ago I noticed on of them has this weird shiver/shake going on with its legs. At first I thought he/she was cold. It does it a lot. Her name is Rowan. Rowan keeps up with our other 3 ducks and eats, plays in water, swim, etc. I am not sure what is going on. Anyone ???

Keep supplementing niacin (I prefer brewer's yeast because it has other vitamins too). One of my runners had vibrating legs, and would be the first to plop down. He also was the biggest (and he still is, he also assumed the position of alpha male... he's great). Shakiness seems to be associated with growth spurts.

Since then, I've gotten another set of runner ducklings, and no signs of vibrating legs. Two things I did differently for this group than my first group that might have prevented shaky legs:

1. Supplemented niacin earlier on (proactively rather than reactively)
2. Gave them much more room to run around (helps their muscle strength to keep up with growth... do you have them in a brooder still and how large is it? Even daily exercise for an hour or so outside of the brooder may not be enough)

It will probably go away over time, but it's best to do these few things which might help shakiness go away sooner.
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Keep supplementing niacin (I prefer brewer's yeast because it has other vitamins too). One of my runners had vibrating legs, and would be the first to plop down. He also was the biggest (and he still is, he also assumed the position of alpha male... he's great). Shakiness seems to be associated with growth spurts.

Since then, I've gotten another set of runner ducklings, and no signs of vibrating legs. Two things I did differently for this group than my first group that might have prevented shaky legs:

1. Supplemented niacin earlier on (proactively rather than reactively)
2. Gave them much more room to run around (helps their muscle strength to keep up with growth... do you have them in a brooder still and how large is it? Even daily exercise for an hour or so outside of the brooder may not be enough)

It will probably go away over time, but it's best to do these few things which might help shakiness go away sooner.
We got the Webfoot Gang when they were all a tad over 1 wk old. They day I brought them home I started using the brewer's yeast. They were in a 4x4 grow out pen for the first week then when I noticed they did not like the heat lamp we moved them to a pen outside during the day with a bird bath . This was about 6ft around. Yesterday they were moved out to their yard under and apple tree. out of the 4 we have 2 are KC and 2 are Indian Runners. Rowan is the only one with the shakes. Thank you for your advice and help. Maybe moving them out to their big play yard now will help. They are having a blast.

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