*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Last night at 6pm we became the proud parents of 2 Black Runners.. :) We added them to our 2 KC. 4 babies all less than 2 wks old. Now to get them to all bond to us. They are so very cute. Cuddle and bath time this morning !
@clankeyes congratulations on the new babies.
Thanks ! & when we blended the 4 together I thought they might be like chickens and attack.. NOPE just a 5 second conversation then a Dog Pile to sleep... I really think I'm going to LOVE having ducks!
Hello all! I'd LOVE to join your group, as I've just acquired my first ever ducklings that turn out to be runners. They were "free to good home" and my husband has been trying to get me to agree to ducks for a year now... I just couldn't turn them away. So I took two. They're four to five weeks old, and I've been hungrily devouring any info on the internet I could find on them, till I came across this thread. I've raised silkies and been with backyard chickens for a few years... but, never had a duck before.
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Thank you! I'm glad to know what these guys are. So now a question! What's the easiest way to provide water for them to swim in? I have a tub that the KCs can get in and out of easily, but these guys have a harder time with. They get in, but have a harder time getting it, even with the brick I'm the bottom as a step. I had one get stuck overnight, even though the water was low enough fir it to not drown, it was exhausted when I finally resued it.
My feeling is that we need to be really careful with water and ducklings-- I mean, even adults can drown. (Had it happen). I like to use little Rubbermaid dishpans for ducklings, kiddie pools for adults only.

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