*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

They are both about the same size. Here are videos of the sounds they make. Jace has been sounding hoarse the past 2-3 days and I started to add grit to their food yesterday as I heard that would help wondering if I should I be worried.

This is Jace


This is JJ

To me..Jace sounds like a drake and JJ sounds like a duck(girl).
Oh my! My boys are desperate for some female company! One of them has been getting on top of my big lab (who is a boy) and going to town. Well, my dog does not seem to mind, until the duck grabs on to his ear! It is kinda embarrassing! Anybody driving by can see all the action! Will this stop as the duck gets older? My first 3 runners seem to be all boys, we have 4 new ones and I am not sure if any are female. The new ones are much more mellow and the boys are actually treating them ok now. At first it was a bit rocky. I just love my boys, but they are a bit ornery. I would hate to have to rehome any of them:)
I candled my five runner eggs tonight. They are from my pair of fawn and whites. Three are looking good.

They might be mutts as the call duck is a drake. Guess I'll have to wait and see.
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Anyone have a runner with a sunken chest like this? It's only on my chocolate runner (2 months old) and is a definite indent. It becomes more pronounced as she breaths in and out. Otherwise, she seems normal. Am I being paranoid?
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@YoungsDucks I would just keep an eye on her weight. Do you have a scale that would work for her?

@FowlPrincess Food Coloring! You add 1-2 drops to the vent(s), diff colors for each girl. The eggs will match the food coloring the next day.
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We have two 3 month old Runners. My sister suggested naming Tinkerbell and Tiger Lily because my daughter is a HUGE (and I mean HUGE) Tinkerbell fan. We have had them since they were one week old and were told they were both females...well, I think they are both boys. Help anyone? I tried to get a good pic but I am pretty sure those are drake curls on their back ends.

Anyway they are both active and love following me around in the yard and chasing the wild birds out of the yard (they are very offending)...silly duckies!
Sure looks like drake feathers to me.
They are both about the same size. Here are videos of the sounds they make. Jace has been sounding hoarse the past 2-3 days and I started to add grit to their food yesterday as I heard that would help wondering if I should I be worried.

This is Jace


This is JJ

JJ sounds like he/she just doesn't have an adult voice yet. Jace sounds just like my girls. I think it's just too early to be sure.

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