*~*Runner Duck Club*~*


Just a friendly reminder since a lot of ducklings are becoming ducks around this time. Ducks will want to stay out all night, stay in the pond overnight, do many things that aren't returning to a secure area at night. Many times new owners might be tempted to give them their "head" thinking the ducks know what's best for them. Now I will admit having owned ducks a few years now, they are smarter in many ways than I would ever have thought. But survival instincts have been COMPLETELY bred out of them. In fact, I would go as far as to say they have been reversed into suicidal tendency so as stewards of our flocks, we must frequently be party poopers.

As an illustration of this reversed instinct, this morning I went out to get the lawn tractor to mow the yard. I found Noir doing her best job at hiding from potential hawks...

Probably sleeping with her head on the nice cool blade :lau
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Hello, I have 3 pure-bred runners and 5 baby runners/Pikan, could maybe baby ducks have more than one dad? I have a black runner and my baby ducks are black like him. The mom is a runner, brown and white. But I'm not sure if my male Pekin could also be the father, he's the only pekin in my group

Just a friendly reminder since a lot of ducklings are becoming ducks around this time. Ducks will want to stay out all night, stay it the pond overnight, do many things that aren't returning to a secure area at night. Many times new owners might be tempted to give them their "head" thinking the ducks know what's best for them. Now I will admit having owned ducks a few years now, they are smarter in many ways than I would ever have thought. But survival instincts have been COMPLETELY bred out of them. In fact, I would go as far as to say they have been reversed into suicidal tendency so as stewards of our flocks, we must frequently be party poopers.

As an illustration of this reversed instinct, this morning I went out to get the lawn tracker to mow the yard. I found Noir doing her best job at hiding from potential hawks...
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Probably sleeping with her head on the nice cool blade :lau
That pic is so awesome in so many ways. (If I can't see them, they can't see me!) :lau:lau Totally made my day!
Hello, I have 3 pure-bred runners and 5 baby runners/Pikan, could maybe baby ducks have more than one dad? I have a black runner and my baby ducks are black like him. The mom is a runner, brown and white. But I'm not sure if my male Pekin could also be the father, he's the only pekin in my group
If he can breed there is a very good chance. Watch the ducklings as the mature if they stand upright like mama and your Runner drake they maybe full blood Runner time will tell. Have you seen your Pekin mating with your Runner female?

i can say i will officially be joining this club :)

am getting one runner duck this coming fall, (wish i could get it sooner but that's the way things go)

but on topic its going to be a blue runner and am super happy. so i will be along this thread more often.
How soon can a duck (drake) start quacking like a duck instead of peeping. I have a two week (14 days today) old indian runner duckling and today, I have noticed it started quacking between normal childish peeping. It also started to apply the oil from her(his) gland to her head and then rubbed the head around. I thought they need a bit more time to do both.

When it sounded like duck, it was one of those moments when she speaks to herself, peeping herself to sleep.
Quacking usually means girl. They can learn to preen for day olds mama teaches them so after yours gets a nice warm bath and gets put back under heat lamp she will begin to preen and get her feathers well her down at this point as water proof as possible.
Just 1? It would be better to have 2 or more ducks they are flock animals and love the company of their own.OOPs never mind just saw you already have 2 Swedish.

thank you, and yes this is going to be my third duck i own (i would have more but i have no room to keep them so i guess 3 it is for now) :)

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