*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

All the duck eggs have been white/cream colored. So not sure who is laying.. thinking Pekin due to color but not sure. Could be black runner, mallard, khaki Campbell or Pekin. The Cayuga and Blue Swedish aren't old enough to lay yet.
Saw first sexual behavior from one of my drakes this morning. So in a few weeks the eggs should all be fertile. Now I just need to get someone to sit them, Runner ducks being terrible mothers. Perhaps I'll go for Silkies (chickens), they are notoriously broody.
This thread has been WAY TOO QUIET, time to post pics!
Here's the crowd at morning snack, they LOVE cut grass.
Here's one of my peafowl boy Aakaash, wanting to know what I'm up to. The white one in the background is Rochni (one of the 2 girls), and the other two are my boys Zamir and Raj. (My wife is from India and she wanted to name all the Peafowl.)

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