*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Congrats!! If you want to know for sure put some food coloring around the vent then you'll know who by the color of the eggs.

I want to try that. When I want to incubate eggs from my favorite duck, I have to separate her from another green egg layer so I know which ones are hers. But she promptly quits laying when I put her in the other pen or when I take away her friend. I could color the vent of the duck whose eggs I don't want to incubate...
I am thinking it is my mallard. I found one back in coop after I let them out to free range today. I'm pretty positive my runners will just lay wherever they happen to be at the time. I'm hoping she will lay a handful or so and go broody, as none of the eggs but one in my incubator are viable. I got hygrometer and temp gauge to double check cheap incubator I bought and it's not accurate. I have since moved it into a makeshift coolerbater hoping to save the developing one. I'm holding all the greenish blue eggs and if she does go broody will try to set them under her. We shall see, she's already pretty feisty...lol
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My ducks really aren't into grass they love salad, cabbage, peas, mealworms, dog food but grass is way down on the list. Water melon is high on the list too mine have expensive taste.
MY runners stopped eating feed completely. We've had a 10 days long wet weather with constant rain and they decided they don't even want to sleep inside their coop. They stay in the pond during the night and at first light, they start seeking for their food. I usually had to give them feed before 7 am in the morning, or else they would start quacking loudly at me, following me around like zombies. Now, I need to get them to come back to the pond and when I give them their feed, they just look at it suspiciously and go towards the closest standing water.

Regarding grass.. They don't like it much, they often nibble grass seeds. If they need greens, they will eat cloves or dandelion and leave everything else alone.

My ducks don't like peas, don't eat watermelon and won't even touch cabbage. They do like salad though!

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