*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

What a cool idea, she's such a cutie I bet she was happy to be back inside with her flock of humans. :)
Yes she sure was. It got so cold out there and her not having anyone to cuddle with was too much for me and her. She could see the younger chickens but had no one in with her. She seemed sad and I couldn't help thinking she would be too cold, so she's in here with us til she grows up more. My son always wanted a house duck and she imprinted on us as her flock so at least for now we have a house duck
:love Probably every Runner should live inside with their human flock while growing up, maybe they would trust us more. lol Mine still act like I am going to eat them if I get to close although some will eat meal worms out of my hand. They are so silly.
:love Probably every Runner should live inside with their human flock while growing up, maybe they would trust us more. lol Mine still act like I am going to eat them if I get to close although some will eat meal worms out of my hand. They are so silly.
Lol..mine will eat out of my hand but heaven forbid you try to touch one....lol. Even this one is funny. She will follow you everywhere and wants to sit in your lap but if you pet her or anything she starts protesting...lol.
Yep no way they want to be touched. My Muscovy drake that I had to bring in when his mom rejected him at hatch was just like a little puppy loved to cuddle even got into bed with us. [Lots of towels down before he was allowed on]He still doesn't mind us petting him and smooching on him and he is now 6.5 yrs old
Update: Cinnamon is worse. Her swelling is slightly larger now. The medicines (two antibacterial and two antifungal) do not seem to be working. Her breathing is labored. If only she would open her bill, her lungs are working fine. But she will not open her bill, and the swelling is blocking the nasal passage. Sometimes I open her bill so she can get a few easy breaths. But she doesn't like that at all. So I set her down and she struggles again to breathe.

I am facing a possible euthanasia decision. It's really hard to make that decision. On the one hand, I want to give her every chance possible and health difficulties are worth facing if there is eventually a recovery. On the other hand, there is no point in making life hard if there is no eventual recovery. I'm not sure what to do and I am struggling with this. She is my very favorite duck of all, young, beautiful... but she struggles so hard to breathe!
My runner duck was behaving strangely the other day. They sounded like theywere running around. When I looked over at their pin, he (runner Drake) had laid down, but not like he wanted to sleep. He had his neck stretched out so that he was completely flat. He made me think of a rubber chicken or something. Then a second later he jumps up and ruffles his feathers - he looked the size on my pekin for a second. Then he went back to normal and I haven't seen him do it since.

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