*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Duck Hill, if the ground is completely frozen, if there is snow, ice or whatever other cold surface, ducks will lie down and pull their legs into their down. That way only their feathers are exposed to the freezing cold and they keep their legs warm. If it is extremely cold, they will just lie on the ground somewhere in a protected spot and rest. But it's usually not that cold. :)
Ducktown... I have never had a problem with my own ducks, but they have always had access to warmer (more insulated) ground to stand on. I do know that I have seen wild ducks in extremely cold conditions doing just fine. On the other hand, I have seen posts by people who have rescued ducks with frostbitten feet. Not sure how that has happened, but that was why I made the suggestion to make sure they have access to an insulated (warmer) spot. Do you know how it happens that an occasional ducks get frostbite? I'd like to learn more about this topic.
There was a member maybe 4-5 yrs ago who was given I believe a Call drake that sat in his water dish over night and froze in it he had severe frostbite on both feet last we heard he was losing most of his feet to it.
I know, that's extreme. Hope it goes away soon. And hope it doesn't get here. :)

And a video of my ducks this morning... They are supercharged all the time... Didn't fly this time, but they often do take off on this exact path along the border with our neighbors. They know where to go. :)
PS: Video clip is shitty quality chinese phone video. It has 12+ rating due to sexual contents. Check how much damage they did to the pool. They destroyed it completely during last year. :)
Ducktown, how do you get your runners to run like that? If I put mine outside they amble quietly from spot to spot. The only way they run is if I open an umbrella (and I don't want to scare them). Otherwise they just walk slowly, or at the most walk quickly if they are trying to get away from me. ((Yes, mine are purebred runner ducks. They just don't run much.)

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