*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

We've had soil frozen solid down to 1 meter deep last winter somewhere around... well, around this time.

And we currently have +12°C with rain most of the time. I'm afraid some plants will start growing before the freezing temperatures comes by again. I've already seen snails coming out of their sealed shells. They think it's spring. :p
Hi, my names Rebecca and my husband and I are interested in starting a small farm with some ducks. We've been looking into the runner breed and I was hoping maybe someone here could help us out? What is the difference between the Indian runner ( which is what my husband is interested in) and other runner breeds?
They are quite resilient. They will also gain some weight, if you feed them some high energy grain like corn.
At - 10°C they begin to feel the cold, but their biggest issue at that point is inability to roam around and forage for bugs and greens.
It has been very cold and snowy here in Ohio. My Runners have done amazing. They come out to eat n play even with the cold n snow. They do hang much closer but have had no problems. They do go up under my deck to hang out more as this is only place without snow, but I have caught them just relaxing on the snow in front of their coop. It has started to thaw today and they're loving the sloppy mud puddle of melted snow and slush. They tolerate it better than my chickens what won't hardly leave their coop
Cinnamon update: She is now a total pest. :weeShe is full of energy. She escapes from the bin and roams the house, so that when I return from work she has left me "gifts" all over the place.

I leave her in the bin when I fix dinner, but when I open the fridge she is suddenly behind me and I trip over her. She stands perfectly tall as she begs for frozen peas. Of course I give her a few! So she promptly repeats her perforance when I use the fridge again.

When I pick her up, she fights me like crazy, breathing easily. What a joy it is to see her breathe so well and able to exercise... She wants to keep roaming! I am so happy with her progress! Thank you again to all those who suggested an operation...

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