*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

omg sooo cute
I love the pictures!!!! Poor Stevie Ray!! How dare she get caught in such an embarrassing moment!!!
I wouldn't want my picture taken while I was stuffing myself with Christmas breakfast!!
Stupid, idiotic runners. My Ponds edges arent like the beach, they are like a clif. I was out watching my babies playing in some water when the ring leader Jasoer decided it was time to wash up. They began to run toward the pond, and continued running as they came closer and closer. Well, they didn't stop when they came to the edge, they kept going, until gravity to hold. They either forgot where the line was or they wanted to try to cannon ball.
Emery penciled is darker than regular penciled. I have seen the pics of your drake and I don't think he is penciled or emery penciled. With both of those the markings on the head would be almost black. Your boy looks like a fawn and white drake to me. Fawn and white drakes have the brownish colored markings on the body and more of a silver brown color on the head.

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