runner duck - cough or hiccups? aspergillosis?

Is she doing this after eating? I've seen mine do something similar when pigging out of feed or mealworms.
Ive been watching her and listening she has been doing it in the morning when she first comes out, before she eats. I think shes eating her little feathers as she pulls them out and I dont give any overnight water so they may be in her throat tickling. After she eats a good amount of the mazuri floating feed then she does the hiccup/cough much less.
I set out a couple extra bowls of grit in case she needs more help to digest the feathers if thats what it is. Im going to catch her again and look down her throat again and feel for anything she could have swallowed (again)
Poppy is cough/hiccup more now. and she’s still molting.
now i’m worried she may have swallowed something that isn’t passing through but not a hard object my idea is maybe she ate a little fake flower leaf made from some sort of fabric, because I found a couple of them on the ground a few weeks ago in the duck pen., which is around the same time, she started doing this hiccup type thing . Apparently when we had a very windy day, some of my mom‘s artificial flowers got blown around the yard. something like that could be stuck somewhere in her digestive system? she is still eating and foraging but her poops are now mostly watery white liquid with little bits of brown pellet shape solid poop in them.

one idea i have is to “pretend” to tube feed her ( just to slide the tube down her throat in case somethings still in there it would push it down into the crop and hopefully go to gizzard where it could be digested. )

Is there anything else I can give her besides the extra grit and extra protein that might help break down some thing like fabric if that’s what she’s eaten?
I don’t know what else would cause this kind of hiccup coughing? I did a few days of Apple cider vinegar. I’m going to do some more.
I think I’m also going to give all my ducks valbazen dewormer once everybody stops molting.
I'd try the fake tubing and maybe add some poultry cells to it to help wash it down if something is stuck. Seems like by now though with her drinking water it would already be down and ground up and pooped out?
Have you asked @casportpony

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