Runner Ducklings Joined our Madhouse!


May 23, 2022
We collected my daughter's runner ducklings a few days ago and they are everything she dreamed of.

The white one is Custard, the half and half is Oreo, the brown one I think is Lotus and Dodger they are all biscuits (cookie) names.

I do have one question, one duckling is quieter than the others. Three of them peep like crazy and if you pick them up peep like they're being murdered but one barely makes a sound and when she does it's like a whisper. She's eating, drinking and running around like the others but is so quiet! Is it possible she just hasn't found her voice or could something be wrong?

Pictures just for fun.


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They are precious
My Runners were not too noisy when they were that age.
So if she is active eating, drinking, interacting with the others most likely just hasn't quite found his/her voice yet.
One of mine was so secretive about sharing her voice that I wasn't sure if she was a female or drake until she was close to 5-6 weeks old.
They are precious
My Runners were not too noisy when they were that age.
So if she is active eating, drinking, interacting with the others most likely just hasn't quite found his/her voice yet.
One of mine was so secretive about sharing her voice that I wasn't sure if she was a female or drake until she was close to 5-6 weeks old.

That's too cute! There are so precious, maybe she/he is secretive too.
Wish I could help. I was always AMAZED when my breeder could look at those little critters -- who often looked mighty similar to me -- and correctly predict what colors they would be. I just love the variety of possible colors!

I don't have the foggest, I just watched a video of someone explaining duckling colours and what colour they'd grow into but I still couldn't see the difference. The yellow ones were either white or white and fawn and I couldn't see any difference between them 🤣

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