
In the Brooder
May 20, 2024
Hi There- We had our Runner leave remaining 4 eggs after hatching 6 ducklings. Two of the remaining eggs had already begun to hatch. Unprepared we tried to make an incubator. Long story, but we did have one baby hatch and get 24 hours of indoor monitoring before putting her out with mom & other 6. The other hatchling had issues- the “incubator” heat spiked, and we think she kicked out of her shell too early as a result. She had the yolk sac attached, we managed to keep her moist and warm for three days before it detached on its on its own.

Now our baby still has what appears to be a swollen umbilicus were the yolk sac was. We are on day two since the yolk sac detached. He has moved through the floppy/listless stage and now runs around, peeps and independently drinks water. He is a bit uncoordinated and stumbles a bit, but hops around and peeps like crazy. Our biggest concern is that he isn’t eating starter crumble. He also won’t eat mashed meal worms, egg yolk, cottage cheese, yogurt. He will drink sugar water from a spoon every couple hours. We have also added poultry vitamins to his water. Obviously we are attached and really want him to live and eventually join mom and 7 seven siblings… any help would be appreciated.
When they first hatch it can take 24 -36 hrs before they are hungry that is the purpose of the yolk and why Hatheries can mail poultry. Have you used anything on the swollen area clean hands and some antibiotic ointment may help. If you can get a picture posted that would help too. Don't feed the duckling anything but starter since it is too young to be able to eat chick grit and it needs grit to be able to eat anything else. Make the starter like a mash with warm water and put some on the end of your finger and see if you can get it to nibble. I wouldn't put it out until the umbilicus is completely healed so you can keep it as clean as possible.
We have been applying antibiotic ointment. And also soaking with warm water as area seems to be tacky/oozy. We did try the mash & warm water, she/he tastes everything offered but won’t eat.
The umbilicus is definitely receding and appears less red and swollen.
Also he/she is pooping regularly.

When can/should grit be introduced?

Thank you so much for the reply:)
Also, ill try to get a picture uploaded later this evening.

And would we start counting the days since hatching as once the yolk sac detached?
I would not wet the area you may introduce bacteria and that you def don't want to do. just keep the duckling clean and use the ointment.
If you have Veterycin you could spray and let it dry then use the ointment
No grit until the little one is eating on its own and you don't want to put it in the feed just a small bowl close by they will use it as needed if you put it into their feed they may eat too much and get impacted.
I usually introduce chick grit at around 2 weeks when I give them a small amount of Crushed mealworms. You want to make sure they mainly get starter that is where their best nutrients are coming from but you'll need to give them some type of niacin if your not feeding ducklings starter since chicken starter doesn't have enough niacin for ducklings. Nutritional yeast is one of the best ways to get the extra niacin into them sprinkle a Tablespoon over each cup of feed you give them. They will need this till at least 10-12 weeks of age.
What breed of ducklings?

Did the yolk absorb or fall off?
We are feeding duckling starter. And thanks for the info on feed progression and starting grit.

As for the yolk, it was attached and appeared to be shrinking as we were trying to keep things moist. Two days after she left the shell what was left of the yolks material and some darker orange material and some dried blood came off in a mass. Immediately after, the duckling’s umbilicus (if that’s what it is in a bird) looked like a swollen, bloody wound and she was dripping yellow fluid, we assumed was the remainder of the yolk. We 100% thought she was going to die.
Oh and I’m not sure what breed! We have a mixed flock- the broody was a Silver Runner- barely a year old. We have a Pekin Drake & a Khaki Drake. Our females are Pekins, Rouens and Runners. I wasn’t planning on babies, but the broody Runner hid away and I was out of town for a couple weeks. When I got back and realized we had a sitter I didn’t feel right about chucking eggs that were more than half way incubated 🙈
Wow sounds like some of the yolk wasn't absorbed. What would be nice and may get the duckling eating and drinking would be to bring another one of the ducklings in so the duckling sees it's sibling eating and drinking. But hopefully, if you can't do that this little one will begin to eat. Another thing is place a mirror in with this one to give it something to associate itself with another duckling.
Wow sounds like some of the yolk wasn't absorbed. What would be nice and may get the duckling eating and drinking would be to bring another one of the ducklings in so the duckling sees it's sibling eating and drinking. But hopefully, if you can't do that this little one will begin to eat. Another thing is place a mirror in with this one to give it something to associate itself with another duckling.
We had talked about that. I was worried that the other might peck on this baby’s belly? Chickens are terrible that way… the other duck that we hatched is closest in age and size. Now to get one away from mom…
Here are photos of special baby, the belly and mom & siblings


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