*Running with the Flood* A Warrior Cat RP~Open~

“Who’s laughing now?” he growled playfully, hopping on top of them.
Flykit let out a squeak of surprise at the sudden weight of her brother.

Skykit quickly batted him off Flykit, realizing she hadn't been expecting Featherkit to pounce on her. He wrapped his forepaws around his neck, growling playfully and letting Flykit recompose herself.
Flykit let out a squeak of surprise at the sudden weight of her brother.

Skykit quickly batted him off Flykit, realizing she hadn't been expecting Featherkit to pounce on her. He wrapped his forepaws around his neck, growling playfully and letting Flykit recompose herself.
“ShadowClan!” he growled, tugging on his ear without teeth.
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