Runt chick?


11 Years
Mar 26, 2008
Duvall, WA
I got my order of 1-day old chicks a little over 3 weeks ago... I guess they are closer to 4 weeks old (this Friday) and have noticed my Barred Rocks are developing a little slower than the RIRs & Red Stars. However, 1 particular BR is about a quarter of the size of the others and is developing her feathers really slowly (see pictures). She appears healthy, active, and is eating (and pooping) just fine. She is about the size and as developed as a week old chick

Has anyone else experienced this? Do you think she'll make it? Right now I have all 5 BR's separated from the rest in their own pen to give the little one a chance to catch up, no one picks on her... they are actually pretty protective and let her get in the middle of them if they are scared.

Thank you!


We have the same thing happening... We have 2 barred rocks, 2 Americanas and 2 Light Brahmas. One of the BR is doing fine, the other is a little slow and alot smaller... but she gets in there and eats, drinks and poops like the rest of them. I am hoping that she will make it too.
I have raised alot of chicks over the last 5 years and seem to have a couple 'runts' every year. As long as you keep them warm, fed, and watered they do fine.

Just watch. In a couple months she will have a growth spurt and catch up to the rest. Though I did have 1 runt that ended up smaller as an adult. Her personality made up for her lack of size. Early last year 'Little Red' moved out of the hen house and into the bantam lot. She always did like Dot, my pet bantam mutt Roo, more then any other Rooster. Now she sleeps beside him almost every night.

I had a chicken that was smaller then the rest of them. We didnt know if she was sick or not. Then my three year old sister came in and said why is he laying like that. I hope your chicken will grow and be okay.

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