Ruptured hernia

Not at all. 1) She was probably in shock. 2) Animals are incredibly stoic. Even when not in shock they do not show pain the same way we do.

Even with the intestines replaced in her body she is undoubtedly in incredible pain. Especially if you completed all of that without anesthetic and are not providing pain medication for the after effects.
Are you kidding me? The most humane thing you can do is put her down. I can't imagine allowing anything to live in that pain. The fact you would have intestine on the ground and ask on line and not be calling a vet if you thought you could save her amazes me.
lajewel- It is sunday and most vets aren't open on sunday. maybe she lives far away from a vet. I live 2 hours away and I would ask people with chickens advice before killing a pet if she had a chance. she is asking people that have more expertise than her self. Summermom- I think that you did the best you could do and hopefully it works out. Sorry that some people are as symathetic as others!
Well, if she has been through all that, it wouldn't hurt to give her baby aspirin for pain and vitamins as well as electrolytes. If a chcicken can survive getting a leg ripped off or a wing, maybe she will be ok. I mean doubtful, but you never know. Keep her warm and separate from others. Sorry for what happenend to her.
Thanks, Memphis. That's exactly it. There is only one vet in our area who will see chickens - he's semi-retired and he's on vacation and therefore unavailable. The vet I took her to last time was willing to see her, but didn't really know what was going on either with her or with my neighbor's duck. Both of us came away with no answers. And even he is not available on a Sunday.

I've given her water with electrolytes and vitamins, but she's not drinking. I have her in a box in our living room and I'm going to sleep right next to her. In the box there is a hot-pack (rice bag) under a towel-wrapped hot water bottle that she can be near if she wants to. About pain control - I bought a lidocaine spray, but I just couldn't see putting that onto such delicate tissue as the intestines (and there was no way of avoiding the intestines). I thought about aspirin, but wouldn't that increase the risk of bleeding? Tylenol doesn't increase bleeding, but how do I get her to take it when she won't even drink water?
For some reason i don't think you are suppose to use lidocain. They say not to use neosporin with the pain killer. Not sure why put I have read it several times. Did you put neosporin on the stitches.
Yes, but not inside. I wonder if I should have put any on the inside.

Did you mean you are not supposed to use neosporin if you are also giving them painkiller? Could that be because neosporin contains a topical painkiller in it? Although I can't imagine it would be enough to cause an overdose.
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I'm going to try to be as diplomatic as possible here. I really do not mean to offend you but you need to stop and think about what you are doing. Sleeping next to her will not change the fact that the bird is in severe pain. Pain that tylenol is not going to touch. All it is going to do is satisfy your conscience with a false sense of having helped.

Really think about this. If that same surgery was performed on a human they wouldn't have just had a topical spray, they'd have been knocked out. And they wouldn't have been give a motrin and sent on their merry way, they would be on a narcotic drip! You really need to put her down. Prolonging her suffering is inhumane. You've already performed major surgery without any anesthetic. You are not "saving" the hen. This is not a sprained leg. Please put your emotions aside and do what is right for the animal.

I understand that a vet was not available. That's fine. I understand that you were uncertain of how to handle the situation. Also fine. Any of us could be caught off guard with an accident and not know what to do. But you have that information now. So now is the time to do what needs to be done. It has been explained to you that the she is in pain despite not exhibiting it. You have posted that you are aware that your efforts are highly unlikely to work. If they did happen to miraculously work she would still remain in severe pain for a prolonged recovery period. If the pain itself doesn't take her she will probably succumb to illness as a result of the stress to her system. Proceeding to keep her alive from here without major medical intervention is abuse. You would be intentionally prolonging an animal's suffering. You are aware of the situation, it's time to handle it.

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