Russian Orloff?

Yep, looks like a Spangled Russian Orloff pullet to me. They are great little birds.
Okay, sorry to chime in late, but everyone keeps saying how great Orloffs are - and mine are freaks! They're more skittish than my leghorns! They're pretty, but completly lose their minds when I go in their pen. They live next door to the super-people-friendly Swedish Flower Hens, so it's not something they picked up from the flock. They're still young (9-10 weeks), so maybe they mellow out?
Okay, sorry to chime in late, but everyone keeps saying how great Orloffs are - and mine are freaks! They're more skittish than my leghorns! They're pretty, but completly lose their minds when I go in their pen. They live next door to the super-people-friendly Swedish Flower Hens, so it's not something they picked up from the flock. They're still young (9-10 weeks), so maybe they mellow out?

Mine are the friendliest, most calm pen in the barn. They are constantly underfoot and look up as if to say "Hello. What ya doin? Did you bring me something?"
Mine were also very sweet and gentle. I kept them in with the Easter Eggers because my males always died of very freak accidents and I was never able to breed them. But they were lovely birds. I'd love to have some Mahogany Orloffs someday.

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