Russian Orloffs

Let us know how it goes. I noticed that the chicks did vary in color and are not as dark as other hatcheries but they have impressive beards.
While it is a set back, a few generations and I am sure any color problems can be largely corrected.
I dont pretend to know how chicken genetics work but if you have a good founding stock then it pans out? One of our Orloff chicks is mostly white, i kept her because of that.
How old are they?
Just wondering because the chicks I've had that are mostly white seem to be boys...
I dont pretend to know how chicken genetics work but if you have a good founding stock then it pans out? One of our Orloff chicks is mostly white, i kept her because of that. 

How old are they?

Just wondering because the chicks I've had that are mostly white seem to be boys...

Also curious on age as I had some mostly white chicks that at 5 months have molted out to be just as dark as my darker chicks.

Wrt the Welp ROs, I've actually been pleasantly surprised so far, if you don't count culling 1/2 for duck foot. Looks like I may have two decent trios to work with. Lots of little things to work on, but enough of the basics are in place that it's worth trying. And a pleasant surprise, they've already started laying.
Also curious on age as I had some mostly white chicks that at 5 months have molted out to be just as dark as my darker chicks.

Wrt the Welp ROs, I've actually been pleasantly surprised so far, if you don't count culling 1/2 for duck foot. Looks like I may have two decent trios to work with. Lots of little things to work on, but enough of the basics are in place that it's worth trying. And a pleasant surprise, they've already started laying.
6-7 days old. Lots of white in the wings and bum feathers. I have 7 sexed pullets in total, 2 light and the rest were dark. yet, not even the darkest came close to private breeders on BYC.
6-7 days old. Lots of white in the wings and bum feathers. I have 7 sexed pullets in total, 2 light and the rest were dark. yet, not even the darkest came close to private breeders on BYC.
Chicks will generally have much different color as they age. also, would you like a Jelly Baby?

Edit- as I don't see a need to post again just yet. I will have some pics of Mahogany chicks soon. Hatched at a friends as she has a GQF cabinet and all I have at the moment is a little giant(which I didn't want to risk using for these eggs) So far three out, hoping for a couple pairs at this point but not holding my breath :(
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Chicks will generally have much different color as they age. also, would you like a Jelly Baby?

Edit- as I don't see a need to post again just yet. I will have some pics of Mahogany chicks soon. Hatched at a friends as she has a GQF cabinet and all I have at the moment is a little giant(which I didn't want to risk using for these eggs) So far three out, hoping for a couple pairs at this point but not holding my breath :(
I'm wanting her to be more white haha. Either way, they are favorite breed so Ill be happy to have her with me.

May I please have the Jelly Bean???
Supposed to be Mahogany(I call them Red). Two hatched out looking like what I imagined. Three of them... uh, well. If they are White I'm not going to fuss, having White would be wonderful.


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