Russian Orloffs

Anyone from Wisconsin on here have a RO rooster for sale? I have 1 hen and would love to get her a roo! Right now I have her with a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and have 1 chick from them and more due to hatch in 2 weeks. Not many have RO's around here and would love to have more! I am a member of The Livestock Conservancy as well, so I truly believe in and want to do my part in their goal to conserve this breed!
They're hatching :) My second set of RO eggs are in the bator right now, and began hatching last night. Can't wait to see how many hatch from this group, photos to follow :)
LOL dirt shows up on black awfully doesn't it. I love the beard and type either way. Thank you for sharing
Yeah, it's makes them look a bit rubbish! The problems I'm having at the moment is maintaining a good mottling colour and also the length of the beak - at the moment all my BM girls and boys have beaks that are wayyy to long from when they were crossed back to Anconas - I'm hoping that if I breed back to black for a couple of generations I will slowly eradicate this problem though :) I would love to see pictures of yours, if you have any? :)
Great beard although the color still appears to have a lot of red leakage. Mine are lacking red and beards.

If the OP of the photos doesn't mind, can you copy/alter them in some way to point out where you thought you saw red leakage? I realize the bird doesn't have it, but I'm not seeing where it might look like it does, just curious from an education POV and way to train my eyes on how to look for it.
If the OP of the photos doesn't mind, can you copy/alter them in some way to point out where you thought you saw red leakage? I realize the bird doesn't have it, but I'm not seeing where it might look like it does, just curious from an education POV and way to train my eyes on how to look for it.

Where the hackle feathers on my orloff are meant to be white or black, they appear to have a slight orangey/yellowy tinge to them, in this case because she's a little grub! However if they were this colour and she was pristine after being bathed, it would be because she has "red leakage". Red leakage is genetic and is often only seen in the hackle feathers of females and in males on the saddle, shoulders and hackle feathers, it's where the feathers look to be orange/red/yellow and is a genetic throw back in the BM's from where they have been cross bred to Spangled Orloffs.

I will see if I can find you a picture of red leakage :)
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This is a black mottled with red leakage malndobe. This is a chick from a spangled Orloff hen and a spangled Orloff cock carrying the mottled gene.


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