Russian Orloffs

I have not had chickens in almost 20 years. And the way I came about those is a story that is almost unbelievable. I will share it some time. But some will call BS.
I'm so jealous that you have decided on an order! If my husband and I could commit to when and where we are going on vacation, I could finally get some chicks or hatching eggs.

On the bright side, my incubator will be here Friday!
I've wanted one for years.
Now the wait !! But I have a lot of work to do to get ready !!! Oh and I hope you enjoy your new incubator.
Always smart to set up y our 'systems' first. Think of winter and rain and walking distance and storage for things so you have got most of the questions answered and ready before the birds get there.
Have some RO eggs in the incubator, and getting ready to set some more later today or tomorrow. Can't wait, I had hatched some shipped eggs last year and predators got in their grow out pen and killed all of them.
Always smart to set up y our 'systems' first. Think of winter and rain and walking distance and storage for things so you have got most of the questions answered and ready before the birds get there.
Good advice !!!!! The wife and I are going through all the logistics right now. I know we will over look something. LOL just trying to keep mistakes to a minimum.
Grain needs to be predator[rodent] and weather proof, close enough to the car that in snow or rain you aren't hauling it too far-- or having it delivered if you are that kind of lucky. Some folks use metal cans with lids. I have a grain bin here so I can drop the bags right in. You'll want a scoop which can be fancy or just a bottle or jug with the bottom cut off at an angle. I recommend having a couple pens if you were only planning one because you can rotate for the grass sake [and chickens eat more of that than you realize] as well as come winter you'll find you might need that extra space to isolate someone or separate roosters or a hen who might be doing something odd. Pockets are not good egg collection devices. Where are you storing them when they come in? Where are the worming meds etc going to be kept so they are not frozen but on hand? Nest boxes are funny- folks often have more than they need. If you are getting chickes you'll want a place to keep them where you can monitor their heat and light and keep them clean but not in the middle of the house as they will smell after a couple weeks inside. Roosts should not be metal but if they can be a 2x4 that you sealed that would be GREAT. Sealing prevents mites and other critters in the wood and the board is just wide enough for their toes to be flat out under them when its cold. IDK for sure where you are right now but if you get cold they'll want their toes under their bellies, not around a bar where they get cold because the feathers don't cover. Feeders in the coops or pens are all different depending on you and your birds. I like the troughs outside the pens personally. I believe, come winter, it helps keep the pens cleaner but that might not be the way you go. I have a few hangers as well. Put an old penny [or piece of copper] in the waterers so that they don't get all slimy. Or use drip waterers... which may freeze come winter. Consider how you will heat your waterers or maybe invest in a waterer that will heat and use it all year but only plug it in for the cold. Where are your wires and lights going? Got nail clippers for their feet/beak? Where is all the poo going? Are you collecting it in buckets for the garden or ...? Even with all that there's a lot of things to consider. Are they free ranged or not? If they are what will deter aerial predators? Fishing line, a frame for the birds to run into... other? Time for someone else to chime in with their thoughts.
Ash, that was great!

For the littles, what sort of heat source will you use? Light, brooder plate? Don't forget a thermometer to check the temp in the box. You'll need newspaper at first, then wood shavings for the floor. It's nice if you can secure the chick waterer with a bungee cord or string., I always had chicks try to sit on top of it and knock it over, soaking the shavings. Many people put marbles in the water so the chicks don't drown. Chick feeder, chick food, chick grit. I also kept a sod plug and a branch in with them to pick at and play on.

Make sure your chick house has a lid! I used a 50 gallon tote and made a wire top for it. The chicks will start to jump/fly out faster than you think!

Having a first aid kit is really helpful, NuStock, gauze, vetwrap, tiny scissors, scalpel, bluekote, etc. Electrolyte powder and probiotics to help healing.

This is great, since I hope to have chicks next month too!
RiddleMe to search in fb there's a search box to the right of the page under the group photo. It says "Search this group". Type in a member's name or keyword, hit enter and it will bring up all the posts with that name or keyword. I just discovered it a few weeks ago. It was getting gruesome to scroll for over 4 hrs to find a post. There is a forum being planned for the Society website since I know how much ash loves forums :p

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