Russian Orloffs

Ohhhh...Lucky y'all
I would love to find a few Orloff chicks or eggs for my gator.I only have my roo Hank and his ladies are black australorps. I was considering putting a few of they're. Eggs in the gator but no idea what that mix would be like... Nothing like a pure RO..just classy in that eagle look is just so unique
I ordered some RO eggs at the beginning of the month and picked them up at the Post Office on the 7th of April I got them into the incubator after letting them sit for 12 Hours to settle and get to room temp and one hatched yesterday morning I thought wow one egg hatched on the 28th well that was better then nothing and then late last night I got up for personal reasons as older people have to do and I checked the incubator and alright another one hatched great but after checking by 10 AM I found I have 4 in the incubator and there were a total of 10 eggs and almost half the eggs have hatched on eggs that were shipped from somewhere in Kentucky to Death Valley California that is starting to amaze me so I will just let the eggs finish what ever they are doing as the chicks look healthy so far ..

And for those who might think did he candle the eggs the answerer is I have learned not to and just let shipped eggs sit and do what ever they are going to do as the egg has been through enough on its travels to get to me so why spoil it's chances by moving the egg more then need be ,, .

I will be getting some pictures up a little later after the hatching has stopped
Alright I had a total of 7 eggs hatch today 1 Molten Houdan and 6 Russian Orloff .

I know my had is a bit shaky today .

All so happy and healthy and 6 hatched out of 10 eggs shipped from Ohio to Death Valley California so I am happy with how many hatched but had only one hatched I still would have been surprised

Now I have some new blood to add to my line of RO's


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