Russian Orloffs

COngrats! So happy for you! So when do the hens come so i can come get some eggs? Neighbor - hint hint LOL
He is nice nice looking!

I am looking for some RO hens, as I would love to give away some hatching eggs to help promote this breed. If Star Bright Farms up in Brown City, MI ever has some hens for sale, I may make a weekend trip up there. Where are you in Columbus?
Sounds like a really good plan - how long have you had your Roo now? My chickens are actually in Marysville ! Have a few good friends that live in Delaware
Here are some pictures of him outside his cage. Can anybody comment on his carriage? Is it as upright as it should be?





I love this last picture; my "alpha hen" Buff Orpington is staring down my Orloff roo. They have been pecking him all evening!
I'm not sure how good his carriage is, but he stands very similar to both of the roos I've had. The difference in the roos and hens is quite significant too- the hens are leggy, but don't look nearly as "maylay" as the boys.
Here are some shots of my little Orloff gang from this passed week enjoying the sudden warm spell, even though they go out and play even in inches of slow, I know my Fern likes it better when everyone else comes out to play. You can see the two hens with the yellow legs, and one hen and the rooster with paler legs. Do you think if I bred the rooster to one of the yellow legged hens, I'd get some yellow legged babies?




Cinnamon, Willow, and Rhubarb. I find it funny how Rhu has his butt to the camera


Fern running towards the fence.
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