Ruth has a secret - SHE'S SITTING!!!!

O.K. even though we had snow today and it was freezing, Ruth found her way to horse stables and laid another egg. There's nine now.

For those of you who have had broody hens does this mean she will go broody and start to sit on them - and then what do I do? She can't stay over there by herself. Or for some reason is she just choosing to go lay her eggs somewhere else?

She gets picked on by the others since she nearly died as a baby with her twisted neck and couldn't eat and was found on pen floor being trampled. I had to separate her and hand feed her for weeks while massaging her neck and feeding her vitamin supplements. She's been my "baby" and pet ever since but never fit back in with others. It was a Godsend when I added the baby Buffs in August because she adopted them and stayed with them from the time they were a day old. All the big girls would go out to free range but Ruth stayed with the babies and followed them everywhere and even put them in coop with her. She does hang out with all the rest now and the "baby" Buffs are now laying eggs of their own at exactly 5 months. So maybe Ruth is wanting to be a real mother this time. I would love to get hatching eggs but as Prissy would say: "Lordy, Lordy Miss Scarlet, I don't know nothing bout hatching no babies".

If I order eggs and put them under her, if she starts to sit, will she take care of them from that point forward? I know I've read that they may quit on a batch of eggs and I guess I would have to get an incubator. Anyone got a few fertilized eggs they want to sell? It doesn't matter which breeds, I plan on adding a few of each over time since we now have two huge chicken coops, horse stalls and a large barn to raise chickens in.

Please advise - not sure what to do. It'll break my heart if she starts to sit on that pile of non-fertile eggs and I have to take them away from her.
I bet she is just laying there because it is a safe and quiet space unlike the nest boxes that everyone above her uses. When ever I got a broody, it was out of no where and they started sitting on air. I'd just switch the eggs for golf balls and have a big breakfast. (golf balls to keep her laying where you can find the eggs)
That's the question. I don't know. Got no experience with broody. I do know she was laying in nest boxes with others. Watched her plop out a green egg myself. But when I heard and saw her carrying on so much because the dog walked in the horse stables where she had her hidden "nest" I wondered if she is about to go broody. She isn't sitting on them yet, just going way over there and laying one a day and then joing others in free ranging.

Still have the question that IF she starts to sit, what do I do to put fertile eggs under her? Can I move her and her nest? I've looked on-line and see "fertile" eggs and see "hatching" eggs. I'm guessing they are one and the same but, again, have no idea or experience with hatching eggs. I would like to get some and let her try if she starts to sit.

All I know is that I've never seen any of them carry on and get puffed up and strutting around and screaming like she was that day and they've all grown up with the dogs and cats being all over them since they were day-olds.
That's the question. I don't know. Got no experience with broody. I do know she was laying in nest boxes with others. Watched her plop out a green egg myself. But when I heard and saw her carrying on so much because the dog walked in the horse stables where she had her hidden "nest" I wondered if she is about to go broody. She isn't sitting on them yet, just going way over there and laying one a day and then joing others in free ranging.

Still have the question that IF she starts to sit, what do I do to put fertile eggs under her? Can I move her and her nest? I've looked on-line and see "fertile" eggs and see "hatching" eggs. I'm guessing they are one and the same but, again, have no idea or experience with hatching eggs. I would like to get some and let her try if she starts to sit.

All I know is that I've never seen any of them carry on and get puffed up and strutting around and screaming like she was that day and they've all grown up with the dogs and cats being all over them since they were day-olds.

IMHO, she isn't broody, yet. She might go broody, my broody stayed on the nest for hours doing that, but would then get off the nest. It took her a little less than a week from that to actually go, full on broody.
IF she goes broody, you can just lift her up, replace the eggs with fertile ones, or put them next to her, and she will roll them underneath her.
Thanks Rosy - at this point I'm hoping she does go broody. It would be too cute. My poor little twisted neck chicken having a brood of babies of her own. I think she would rise in rank. Imagine, out of all of them, she's the one who adopted the baby buffs and raised them and now seems to be filling a nest of her own. I'll keep everyone posted.

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