Sad Chicken


7 Years
Aug 2, 2012
I am new to chicken raising. We have 4 girls we raised from chicks. They are about 5 months old now and not laying yet. Two days ago I let the girls out for some free range time. Our girl named C3PO who I believe is a Plymouth Rock went running with the others then stopped suddenly and lay on her side with her feet in the air. I went to carry her back to the run and she got up and ran back by herself. Later that night when the others went inside for the night, I found her laying on her side again under the coop. I brought her inside in a crate for the night. Its been very cold out so I was worried about frost bite. Also, if she can't get on the roost with the others she would be really cold all night. I looked her over and could find no sign of injury. She is perky but not as feisty as usual. She is eating and drinking just fine. Her poop looks normal. She just seems to not want to use her legs. I started her on a vitamin supplement that the local feed supply recommended. What else can or should I be doing for her? Any clues to help me figure out what is going on with her? The other 3 hens seem to be fine.

Thanks for helping a newbee!
Whatever the problem is, it doesn't sound like it's life-threatening. So is she just sitting on the ground, limping or laying down? Paralysis is a possibility. Test her to find out if she can't walk or if she just simply won't use her legs, e.g. like tempting her with a trat or something. Keep updating!
I too am interested in how she is doing. I have had a couple hens with mobility issues. Not falling on their sides, but injuries, and one is doing just fine now after the supplements etc. I gave her, The other was doing better, but got pecked to death by a mean hen. So sad.
I stood her up and she just falls over. She is not paralyzed because she can move her legs when I hold her on her back. I'm not sure what to do. Sorry your chicken was lost to the mean hen. That is another question. If I can nurse her back to health, will her flock accept her back?
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I have been watching her for several days. I don't think she is sick. I think she has an injured leg. Can a chicken recover from that? She can't put any weight on her one leg at all.

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