Sad news...

@Apollos-Quackers I'm so sorry about your duck and I hope she does heal up and isn't in a lot of pain.

Many people on this forum who are new to ducks should see the pictures of what snapping turtles will do.

When we try to tell them how dangerous they are to our ducks I think sometimes they really either blow it off or just think it can't happen to their ducks. It's like "ah, I have a pond and ducks love ponds" so they just let them go.

If you don't mind I'd like to save your pictures and the next time someone asks about that I'll post them and hopefully help someone avoid having a tragedy like your duck is facing.
No way! pffff

This is a clear ripoff. You should report that guy to state licensing etc.

I have a family member who retired from being a vet. And it would shock them to hear a price like that.

One thing you and the others can try in the future maybe...maybe might work is to try to find the farm vets, not the 'get rich quick' vets. Farm vets are usually more decent people. (But might not be in the city.)

Still worth a drive to save 900 bucks if you ask me.

I can not believe someone would charge that much.

What state are you in again?

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