Sad news...

I am looking for the duck whisperer (Miss Lydia). I had the same problem last year. Snappers. I had one in the pond last year. The ducks knew and wouldn't get in the pond. They just walked around it all day long. So sad .. I had thrown out their baby swimming pool but after the turtle appeared I got them a new pool and they loved it. We tried to get the turtle out but he broke the handle on our net. A few days later the ducks went back into the pond. No problem at all and we didn't see the turtle again. Maybe we scared him away. This year we noticed the ducks came in from the pond and started the pond parade again. I'm thinking they wanted a new pool and they got one. But they still wouldn't go back into the pond. And then we saw him. We got this one and it is gone forever more but the ducks weren't around when we got him out of the water. So how do they know when the turtle is gone? Somehow they knew last year even though we didn't physically get him, he just left. It's been 2 days now and they are looking but none have gone back in the pond. I am wondering if there's another one I haven't seen or they don't know the turtle gone. Maybe I could draw them a picture?
Only thing I can add is if there is one you’ve seen there are probably more. Set out traps you tube shows how. After seeing what a snapper can do I sure hope your ducks don’t go back in till you know for sure it’s clear.
Only thing I can add is if there is one you’ve seen there are probably more. Set out traps you tube shows how. After seeing what a snapper can do I sure hope your ducks don’t go back in till you know for sure it’s clear.

I am pretty sure one got one of my girls. She was limping real bad and I thought one of the drakes had hurt her leg. When I got to her, her web had been torn right up the middle. I thought she had cut it on something then when I saw the turtle I figured he grabbed for her but only got hold of an edge, she jerked and got away but it hurt her leg and tire the web. I built a hospital in my ever growing duck accommodations. She had a rough time for about a month but now she has a little limp but not real noticeable. I know next time one may not be as lucky. I am still hunting and assume that somehow they know there's another one in there. Is that a duck's instinct?
Yes they seem to know things like that. Especially if one was already attacked. Another member on here just lost one of her ducks to a snapper. They are gruesome predators.
They are certainly ugly critters and I can see where a duck wouldn't have a chance with one. The one we got out filled the trailer. His shell was 13 inches and it took 2 shovels to get him into the trailer. Wore us out.

I am sorry to hear about another member losing a duck to one. This is the hardest part for me. There's so many predators and losing one of my babies is so hard.
It really is hard. And we just do the best we can and sometimes that isn't enough. I never even knew we had snappers here in our cold mountain river until we had flooding and one washed up on the road. I helped get him back to the river boy did he stink and he was huge. Growing up in Florida I had seen some huge ones there never expected to see one here.
It really is hard. And we just do the best we can and sometimes that isn't enough. I never even knew we had snappers here in our cold mountain river until we had flooding and one washed up on the road. I helped get him back to the river boy did he stink and he was huge. Growing up in Florida I had seen some huge ones there never expected to see one here.

I tried holding my breath so I didn't smell him....Nasty. Thanks for the advice. I am assuming there is another one because the ducks are up here playing in their kiddie pool. Gets expensive trying to keep it filled with clean water. They go out, wallow in the mud then come to the pool to clean up. What a muddy, feathery mess.
Oh well, thanks for your help and advice. I appreciate it.

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