Saddle feather - Is this the point?


7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
I'm just learning what saddle feathers are, and I've been looking at my 8-9 week old roos. All of my others are just starting to grow these feathers. ( I can see them starting to form) This red and white roo does not have the tiny little ones forming. Instead I found some that look like this red pointy one. (center of the picture, on the left) I just want to know if this is the "pointy" feathers I'm supposed to be looking for on roos.
Saddle feathers are the longer feathers draping over the back of the roo just in front of the tail feathers (similar to where you would keep saddle bags on a horse). Hope this pic isn't too small for you

Saddle feathers are the longer feathers draping over the back of the roo just in front of the tail feathers (similar to where you would keep saddle bags on a horse). Hope this pic isn't too small for you


Where did this diagram come from? I would like to copy it to my files.
I am just now learning more than just about grown roosters and hens and getting eggs, BR's and RIR's and the sex-links they produce! My knowledge base on chickens is not very broad. Those are the two breeds I had many, many years ago and my BR hens hatched the eggs where ever she wanted and that was it! My grandparents had WL and Hampshires, and RIR but I just knew what they were in her flock. She taught me some more that that but not a lot.

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