Saddle question


11 Years
Apr 28, 2008
SW of Greenwood, INDIANA
I know this sounds like an inane problem, but I have no idea of what to do with the three saddles that I bought for my three Orpington hens. They're really well made, but I don't know where/how to begin putting them on.

Does anyone have pictures of the procedure?
I ordered mine from Moodene:

Hers are so nice that she could design and make saddles for Gaultier, Gucci, Prada, and Versace. She even waterproofed mine for (I think) fifty cents. They were dirt cheap, but I don't remember what I paid. I don't know why she doesn't charge more... Oh, well...

I can't put my hens on a runway naked. Any instructions, folks.
The narrow part to the front right to the neck line, the straps down off that cross in front over the breast muscles then go to the velcro on the opposite side of the garment than they originate from passing under the wings to get there. That keeps that side's wide part under their wing on each side so the back is covered.

Harder to describe than to do!
Got it! Thanks.
I'll try to post a picture tomorrow if I can wrestle the hens from the rooster long enough to cover their bare, featherless, immodest rumps that he has exposed to the world.
Can I ask why you'd dress your chicken up? Is this for looks or is there some other reason? Just never heard of it before and I'm not being judgemental
It is not done to dress the chicken up but to protect her back from the repeated armourous advances from the roosters who mate way too much and the feathers get pulled off the hens backs leaving them raw and exposed and possibly vulnerable to canniblism by the other birds.

It's a practical way to protect a chicken - without a rooster, no need for a chicken saddle.

And here I opened this thread thinking it was related to horses
It is not done to dress the chicken up but to protect her back from the repeated armourous advances from the roosters who mate way too much and the feathers get pulled off the hens backs leaving them raw and exposed and possibly vulnerable to canniblism by the other birds.

It's a practical way to protect a chicken - without a rooster, no need for a chicken saddle.

And here I opened this thread thinking it was related to horses

LOL I thought it was horse related too!!!!

I just lay mine flat on their backs and take the straps and pull over the wings. Kind of like putting on a back pack. The way I make mine is on my byc page.

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