Sadly, when I'm down, it's resented-->venting...


That was a few days ago.

Maybe it's sympathetic PMS? I don't get cranky, I just get PAIN. I like to be alone when that way. Maybe he's lonely? It is a sucky way to spend the weekend.
I seriously think it's Pheremones.

If there are 'attraction' pheremones, there have got to be 'stay away from me you creep' pheremones, right?

You are putting them out, he is absorbing them and cranking right along with you.

He needs some fresh air
He feels helpless because of the state you're in so he is expressing his frustration in the only way he knows. Like Mahonri said, it's a guy thing. You will both get through it.
Perhaps if you keep repeating to yourself:

I am married to an adult
I am married to an adult
I am married to an adult
I am married to an adult

he'll start acting like it! ;-)
Oh my hubby does the same thing, but OMG if he is sick or something..the whole world has to stop and hear about it! Love him to no end, but man o man....LOL

As was said IS a man thing....

Hope you feel better!
Mine left me on the couch last week with the flu and a 2 year old boy to torture me. My girl is no problem. Hunting was more important than helping me. Nice of him...huh? REVENGE is SWEET!!
If you are a female, double if you are a mother, you are never allowed to be sick. If you do become sick, which is against all the laws of man, you are never allowed to feel as bad or to be sicker than any male you are married to.

I think that is written in stone some place in a man's caveman past.
My Dh complains that the girls never seem as helpful for him as they are for me!!

They are TWICE as helpful cause they know he gets so grouchy at them if they don't help.......

He says its because he can't fix me and it makes him feel "inadequate."

I said Psychobabble doesn't get dinner on the table. Get in the kitchen and let me die in peace!

Feel better!

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