Sadly, when I'm down, it's resented-->venting...

Last dec. I was put in the hospital with what they thought was a severe kidney infection to find out I had a huge stone that had my kidney 100% blocked off. I was transfered to another hospital where I had to have emergancy surgery. I got to go home later that evening. Any way while I was in the hospital all I heard was your gonna have to hurry up and get out of here so you can go home and cook. Gues what the day I got to go home I had to cook!
I was in there for 3 days, and he was not worried about me all he wanted was me home to cook and clean. The next day I had to go pay bills!! wound up back at the 2 days later in so much pain it was worse than having a baby. He didn't care or worry about me he was just worried about his stomach!!
Men just don't understand this one and I have been married to him for 21 years now.
Are you kidding? He would have got a plate full of hot nothing - and liked it!! That's horrible!
Honest that is the truth so help me. the saturday after the surgery I had to make a turkey dinner for him. I was released from the hospital on thursday
I would never dream of staying with a man who treated me so badly. To each their own of course, but I value myself more than that, and if he can't, he can find someone else to take care of his lazy, selfish, piece garbage behind.
My mom is reading over my shoulder and reminded me of when my face was rebuilt and I had tubes and such coming out of me like a horror movie and my EX husband suddenly had a sore throat and asked if I would spoon feed him pudding. I'd forgotten all about that instance, I can laugh now though!

I do have to say though, my step dad whom I call my dad, bends over backwards for mom if she so much as sneezes. He's a wonderful, dear, caring, fantastic, super, beautiful soul.
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It sounds like somebody's husband needs a map to the freezer section of the grocery store!

Chickabator, maybe once a month he needs to practice making dinner, so he knows how to do it in an emergency! It would be good for him. I KNOW it would be good for you.

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