Safe and effective groundcovers?


Apr 29, 2019
San Rafael
Hi, my coop is at the top of a sloped area of my yard that is constantly eroding and I would really like to plant some ground cover plants to manage the erosion, but need to find a crop that isn’t toxic to my hens AND that they won’t devour on day 1. Any idea what plants might work? Thanks!
I have the same issue - erosion and chickens wanting to eat everything poking up out of the soil. I begin by fencing off the area with deer netting to protect the new shoots until they get several feet high and less vulnerable to being dug up or completely eaten. I sow seeds in early spring and sometimes even in the fall. They have a better chance of getting established before the summer heat hits.

I use straight tree branches and 2x 4s laid perpendicular to the slope to hold soil in place during heavy rain and to help rain sink in rather than run off too quickly.

I planted alfalfa seeds, bee plant, rhudbeckia, cone flower, chard and spinach. Many of these will reseed each year. The chickens won't have access until the plants are a foot tall or more.
Clover is a nice soft ground cover that will flower and reseed itself. You definitely have to protect anything from the birds until it gets established. Native grasses are awesome as well, they have VERY deep root systems and hold soil together well, it also helps to draw water down into the soil because of that deep root system. Grass is higher maintenance, unless you have enough birds to keep it trimmed.

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