Safe to assume they are hens?


10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
South Eastern NH
I got these guys at the beginning of March, all the chicks I got are supposed to be pullets, they were a couple of days old when I got them. I got 2 Americauna, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Buff Orpington and 2 Black Australorp. What is the deal with the "Americauna's"? They do not want to be near me and act like they are going to die if you pick them up.

The "brown one" I don't know what color you call it, is a fruitcake! It runs around and puffs it's neck feathers out, and jumps and just does weird stuff. LOL. I have bantam hens as well so this isn't my first foray into chickens. But because of this weird behavior I'm wondering if it is a roo or are they just weird? But it doesn't have much of a comb. Also what color do you call the grey one? Also the brown one is significantly smaller then the grey one. Any way, here are their pics.

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Easter Egger # 1 is looking suspiciously cockerelish - could you possible get a fully body side shot of it in a standing position so we can see tip to tail?
Those pictures seal it for me - that's a handsome boy, but boy none the less. The three row, red comb and the patchy red color on the wings and what look to be some pretty impressive legs all add up to cockerel.
Your first bird is a cockrel; see those pointy hackle feathers! The brown chick is probably a pullet, although a better photo would help there. They are Easter Eggers, very handsome. Mary
:( Leave it to my mother to pick a rooster out of what was supposed to all be pullets. *sigh* I was hoping for some pretty eggs. Well, I don't have a roo, just my tom turkey, hopefully all will work out. My husband is going to kill me LOL.
Well, if you had to get a rooster, at least you got a pretty one! His coloring is going to mature a very striking bird.
Thanks Donrae, I wasn't quite sure what he would look like when he got older but it's nice to know that he will hopefully turn out to be handsome :) Hopefully he will be a good rooster.

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