Safe to eat eggs from hen eating medicated chick starter?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 16, 2009
Central Kenucky
Until about 8 weeks ago I had just one lone barred rock hen who despite being at least 10 months old has only laid a few times and not at all since December. So when our chicks got old enough to move out to the big coop and there were no signs flock integration troubles I wasn't worried if she ate the chick starter along with the others. Well after three days wouldn't you know that hen started laying like clockwork and hasn't stopped since? I figure maybe the extra protein in the starter was all she needed. I don't really have a way to segregate her so that she isn't eating the medicated starter, and I'd hate to waste the half bag I have left by switching to a non-medicated starter, so the big question is: Is it safe to eat the eggs, or at least what is the real risk? The feed is Purina's medicated starter/grower purchased from TSC. The label says to feed that all the way up until they reach laying age at 18-20 weeks, but doesn't say anything about an egg withdrawal period. I think the only medication in it is for building up a resistance to coccidosis.
Thanks everyone for your help and advice.
You wouldn't be getting enough medication from eating the eggs to affect you. It certainly isn't toxic. Eat the eggs!!

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