Safeguard and Feather Damage While Molting

RE: Safeguard and 8 week old babies. They are in the coop next to the adults. Should I dose them too and if so, how much and for how long? Seems one day would be enough and ensure there's been no exchange of any critters through the coop nets...
You need to do more than one day. I think it's the same length of treatment but I believe for a chicken the amount would vary between 1cc for a bantam or younger chick to 2.5 cc for a larger rooster like a Jersey Giant maybe. The 10 days you skip is one of the most crucial parts to the treatment. Parasite eggs are usually resistant to most wormers. That's why you wait 10 days so the eggs can hatch but not able to mature and reproduce yet. Killing all worms inside the body.

Another Safeguard question. Sorry ya'll wanting to get this over with. I saw where a member posted we could use 3 CC per gallon of drinking water as long as it was the only water available. Will this work for the last 4 days? I'm home all day so could mix small batches of water. Just totally thrilled at this possibility. I have bad arthritis junk and it's been flaring in my hands the past few weeks. Typing isn't even easy=why I was wearing so much safeguard yesterday LOL
We don't mind questions. You have them and we'll help find a solution. I don't know if they make a water soluble Safeguard. Safeguard is an oil base I believe so it doesn't really mix with the water it just floats. If I remember correctly. On medicines, if you are to mix it in the water it will usually say on the directions or somewhere on the medicine, water soluble, or it will give you x cc or x mg per x gallon(s).
Another Safeguard question. Sorry ya'll wanting to get this over with. I saw where a member posted we could use 3 CC per gallon of drinking water as long as it was the only water available. Will this work for the last 4 days? I'm home all day so could mix small batches of water. Just totally thrilled at this possibility. I have bad arthritis junk and it's been flaring in my hands the past few weeks. Typing isn't even easy=why I was wearing so much safeguard yesterday LOL

Sadly, no. Wouldn't that be convenient? That 3 ml per gallon info is out of date and not effective. @casportpony can give you more details if you like.
Another Safeguard question. Sorry ya'll wanting to get this over with. I saw where a member posted we could use 3 CC per gallon of drinking water as long as it was the only water available. Will this work for the last 4 days? I'm home all day so could mix small batches of water. Just totally thrilled at this possibility. I have bad arthritis junk and it's been flaring in my hands the past few weeks. Typing isn't even easy=why I was wearing so much safeguard yesterday LOL

Safeguard is not water soluble, and 3 cc per gallon wouldn't be enough even is it was. I wish that people would stop post the 3 cc a gallon misinformation.

Safeguard is not water soluble, and 3 cc per gallon wouldn't be enough even is it was. I wish that people would stop post the 3 cc a gallon misinformation.


Part of a peafowl facebook group I'm a part of I've been trying to set them straight. Peacocks Only group I see people recommending it and I say only put medicine in water when it says water soluble or if the medicine is giving directions when mixing with water.
Totally confused now. Safeguard by mouth: 1/4cc small birds-1cc for giants yet for how many days? I've seen anywhere from 1-5 days............And then repeat in 10?

Thanks again:idunno

The Safeguard dose I use is 0.23 ml per pound for five consecutive days, and some vets will tell you to repeat in 10 days.

One day of Safeguard at 0.23 ml per pound will treat large roundworms and cecal worms, but will not treat capillary worm or gapeworms.

I know there are lots of posts on worming, but most of those posts are just people repeating what they they read.

What breeds of chickens do you have? Let me know and I'll calculate doses for you.

Wow, thank you all so much. I wanted to be sure I did this right and so much conflicting info out there.

I started dosing them yesterday.............0.25 for batams and babies, 0.50cc normal, and so on.............

Hope I did that part right
The Safeguard dose I use is 0.23 ml per pound for five consecutive days, and some vets will tell you to repeat in 10 days.

One day of Safeguard at 0.23 ml per pound will treat large roundworms and cecal worms, but will not treat capillary worm or gapeworms.

I know there are lots of posts on worming, but most of those posts are just people repeating what they they read.

What breeds of chickens do you have? Let me know and I'll calculate doses for you.


Thank you Kathy. I'm switching over all my flock and some are barnyard mixes. Others are Bielefelders, BO, CW, AW, BR, AM, and the list goes on. Slowly selling off my layers that are not going to be purebreds.....I think from what you wrote I got the dose close but maybe a bit much for the babies. They are app 8-9 weeks
Wow, thank you all so much. I wanted to be sure I did this right and so much conflicting info out there.

I started dosing them yesterday.............0.25 for batams and babies, 0.50cc normal, and so on.............

Hope I did that part right :/

Rats! Nope not enough. My BR weighs app 6 lbs. Taking scale to the coop with me today....................:th

I think you'll find that most of your standard sized hens will need more than 1cc. :D Your 8 week old chicks probably weigh a little more than 1/2 pound. Your BO's, they're pretty big, so I bet you'll find they get at least 1.5 cc.

I think you'll find that most of your standard sized hens will need more than 1cc.
Your 8 week old chicks probably weigh a little more than 1/2 pound. Your BO's, they're pretty big, so I bet you'll find they get at least 1.5 cc.

Seriously if the weather would just shout out some sunshine and heat it would seem so much easier LOL. I did the math and you're right. I'll be picking up another bottle of safeguard this week to boot.
I know you said dogs can't get the junk from chickens but can't the chickens get it easily from the dogs? They're all getting dosed. Calculator in hand..scales under the arms.

BTW is anyone getting any Spring weather? We have two days of sort of warm (to me) and then a lot of snow coming again on Wed and Sat......May be carting all my chickens under my arms and head back south where I came from lol

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