Safety issue??????

Your husband was absolutely in the right. National Patient Safey Goals ask that patients "call us on safety".
Contact the companies ethics board and HR. Your husband may not get his job back, but the hospital should know.
I dont know how much the hospital KNOW but she reported him to her supervisor which I am GUESSING. Then the HR from hospital called hubby to let him know he no longer has the job. He has not yet got paid...he was just going there for orientation after they called him that he is hired and needs to come in for orientation and needs to have drug tests and some computer work of labeling, sorting tubes, etc. for that one day on Friday. He would not actually start working as a courier until the 16th which he will start doing his job. But now, nada.

What he was afraid of, is when he still at college for that kind of course, he would not do his clinicial studies at the same hospital and that would affect his college creditials if he can not get the clinicial needed to pass the course. Of course, we do have another hospital here in town, St Mary's Hospital but their track records are less than ideal. If he can get his start, its a start.

We really dont have alot of money for a lawyer and he thinks its her word against hers because of so called protential employee would not have much power as a patient. I say either way as a protentional employee or patient, he has much rights and his word is better than hers. Besides, he was in the room alone with her, there were no other staff nearby or under observation.

Well they would not tell hubby or anybody except for "inappropriate attitude" toward the nurse that he didnt want her to draw blood with her exposed finger or ripped glove.

Instructors could not believe it and they suggested him to continue to take the classes and the hospital will be watching him closely, I mean, CLOSELY during his clinicial trials.

So he is not going to file complaints against this nurse. UGH!

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