Salmonella Poisoning

They did not. They thought it was Covid and waited until results came back, which took awhile. No tracing was done, so it’s not a definite, but I was told it was likely from my NP. Not blaming my girls, just wondering if anyone has come across this with their flocks.
Thank you for clarifying. I was asking because I was curious how we can have our chickens tested (I actually posted this more directly below) -- I hope my question didn't come off as accusatory. BTW, I am glad that you are recovered, and I am so sorry that you were sick. :hugs which is something I should have expressed in the first place, too.
It's a very good question. You can have your chickens tested for salmonella. My flock is NPIP-certified, and the main two tests they do for chickens are for pullorum and avian influenza, which cause chicken fatalities. I have to ask for salmonella enteritis testing in my state (Missouri), because I don't have a meat or egg-producing flock.

Here is the NPIP link to approved Salmonella tests:

And here is the information on salmonella enteritis from the CDC:
Thank you for the links! I appreciate it.
Edited to add: I just registered with Romer Labs using my business license, to inquire about buying rapid tests. I figure there's no reason not to at least know if there's any reason to worry in the first place. Thanks again for the links.
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All poultry don't have salmonella - mine were tested. They didn't have it. I'm also NOT careful with them. I know I should be, but I just don't care. I snuggle down with them in their bedding, I kiss them, I let them eat off my plate, and I don't wash my hands when I should. *Shrug* I've never been sick.

Here is some information. It says poultry CAN carry salmonella. Not that they do.

If you are worried I would call your avian vet and ask for a test. Also, the smart thing to do is handle poultry as if they have it by implementing the procedures that you already are. I am NOT being smart.
So I just recently got over a case of salmonellosis this past week. I had the fever, aches, chills, diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pains. Symptoms lasted 3 days. It’s also not Covid because I was tested twice; once with a serology test and second with a nasal swab. Both came back negative. My girls are 3 months old and I clean their coop weekly. I wear a mask when I scoop their poop from the sand floor and I take apart and scrub down their hen house (plastic) with soap as water. I also ALWAYS wash my hands after handling them and refilling their water or feed. How many of you have gotten salmonella from your chickens? Is this common?
We were just discussing this subject in light of the headlines about an outbreak in 48 states due to backyard chickens.
I have hugged and cuddled my chickens, cleaned coops without a face mask and rarely scrub anything down unless it is soiled. I have sat with my chickens and have eaten fruit or a snack, may have broken some off and fed them. As a child my chicken ate oatmeal.from my fingers.. I eat raw cookie dough and undercooked eggs...I am nearly 60 yrs old, my kids are in their mid 30's...none of us has ever had salmonella.
I have probably had over 75 birds in my life, various reptiles, worked at a pet store with iguanas...all of these animals are known to carry salmonella...and I have always snuggled my birds and don't always wash my hands right away...
I am not sure if you can build immunity (chickens don't seem to get sick) or we are just super fortunate.
All I know us by rights my family and I should have gotten it, yet we have not.
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We were just discussing this subject in light of the headlines about an outbreak in 48 states due to backyard chickens.
I have hugged and cuddled my chickens, cleaned coops without a face mask and rarely scrub anything down unless it is soiled. I have sat with my chickens and have eaten fruit or a snack, may have broken some off and fed them. As a child my chicken ate oatmeal.from my fingers.. I eat raw cookie dough and undercooked eggs...I am nearly 60 yrs old, my kids are in their mid 30's...none of us has ever had salmonella.
I have probably had over 75 birds in my life, various reptiles, worked at a pet store with iguanas...all of these animals are known to carry salmonella...and I have always snuggled my birds and don't always wash my hands right away...
I am not sure if you can build immunity (chickens don't seem to get sick) or we are just super fortunate.
All I know us by rights my family and I should have gotten it, yet we have not.
Someone sent me the link to the outbreak on the CDC website after I told them that I had come down with food poisoning and it definitely made me panic!
Really stupid question: how can one be sure their chickens do not have it? Can I treat them for it as if they do -- so to be certain they aren't carrying it in their digestive tract? Must I do a fecal smear -- or should we just always assume that all our flocks carry it, and just wash our hands meticulously. (BTW, I already do -- but my 80 year old mother, I am sure, isn't as careful as she should be.)

Most healthy people have a fair amount of resistance/immunity to salmonella. Typically only people with weak immune systems become illl unless folks are exposed to high levels of a particularly virulent strain.

Personally I live with 5 dogs and handle the chickens a lot and assume if they have it I have been exposed too and have natural immunity by now. I don't worry about it.

"Typically, people with salmonella infection have no symptoms. Others develop diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps within eight to 72 hours. Most healthy people recover within a few days without specific treatment."
Thank you for clarifying. I was asking because I was curious how we can have our chickens tested (I actually posted this more directly below) -- I hope my question didn't come off as accusatory. BTW, I am glad that you are recovered, and I am so sorry that you were sick. :hugs which is something I should have expressed in the first place, too.
Oh my! I didn’t think such things! I honestly didn’t look at the username and just commented because I thought it would be helpful, I didn’t see you had already commented earlier in the post. Totally my fault for coming off in any way as angry. I’ve got a pretty tough skin, you did nothing wrong! Thank you for the well wishes though 🥰
Oh my! I didn’t think such things! I honestly didn’t look at the username and just commented because I thought it would be helpful, I didn’t see you had already commented earlier in the post. Totally my fault for coming off in any way as angry. I’ve got a pretty tough skin, you did nothing wrong! Thank you for the well wishes though 🥰
You didn’t come off as angry at all! I just realized I may have sounded pretty insensitive. 🥰

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