Salpingitis? Calcium? Antibiotics?


14 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Yesterday morning an egg was found under roost with no shell or membrane. By afternoon Blondie, 2 year old Buff Orpington, was definitely sick....back hunched up, little interest in treats, lethargic.....totally different from her normal behavior. She was first to go into the coop yesterday evening and settled into a nest instead of getting on the roost. At 11:00 last night I read that Calcium might help and managed to get half a Calcium Citrate + Vitamin D table down her throat before putting her in the laundry room inside a crate for the night. This morning I found a bit of some normal looking poop but also small a cheese looking clump. I smashed up a calcium tablet, mixed it with some water and was able to get a small amount down her throat. Added smashed calcium to a scrambled egg and she ate a bit of this and drank some water. She looked a bit better and I decided it would be best to return her to the flock. When she went into the run she drank a good bit of water, possibly a sign of Salpingitis? She is still obviously ill. I have a call in to an avian vet I have seen with my 22 year old Cockatiel, but the office is closed now and, although I was told the vet would be given the message asking for a call, I'm not sure if I will hear anything until Monday. From what I've read Blondie will need antibiotics. Her vent was normal lookig yesterday afternoon, but this morning it was red, dry and seemed irritated. I applied KY jelly type gunk to her vent. Maybe I should have sprayed it with Vetericyn instead....The only antibiotic I have is Duramycin-10 (Tetracline Hydrochloride soluble powder), but it has an expiration date of 3-20. All the antibiotics I have searched for online require a prescription. This chicken is a much loved pet and anyone who can offer information or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
That does look like lash egg material from salpingitis. Can you cut it open? I would give her a total of 600mg of calcium with D each day for a few days. Just pop the tablet into the back of her throat. You can get amoxicillin for fish online and possibly at a pet or feed store. It is called Aqua Mox or Fish Mox, and dosage is 250 mg twice a day for 7-10 days. Some also use enrofloxacin 10% liquid, 0.25 mg for a 5 pound chicken twice a day for 5 days. That is found online for pigeons without a prescription, but just so you know, it is not approved for chickens. It is like human cipro, and some vets do quietly treat chickens with it. Here is some reading:
Thanks for the response! I'm trying to locate a place where I could pick Aqua Mox up. Online will take at least until 11-22......
Update: Blondie looked somewhat better during the late afternoon "play ground" time today, She still is not returned to her previous level of health at all...I did see her eat a bit of the wet Layena mix in the treat bowl. I did not see her poop. She ate some weeds/grass in the protected area. She would scratch a bit here and there. Normally if any treat was tossed, no matter what, Blondie would be first to the yummy. Again tonight she was not as interested in running to a thrown snack. We're going to bring her in again tonight to the crate in the laundry room so I can get the right amount of calcium/Vit D down her throat. Also think it would be good for her to be in a warmer place for the night. And also I won't be going outside during the night to check on her. Went to a local independent farm store and they were out of stock on Aqua Max; Nearest Tractor Supply doesn'r have it in stock. It would be wonderful if just the increased calcium could help her get through this. There used to be a 24 Hour Emergency Pet Hospital not far from here. I'll check her through the night and we'll see how she is tomorros. Very kind young lady working at the local independent farm and ranch store said to check Amazon, etc. again....which I will do.
That does look like lash egg material from salpingitis. Can you cut it open? I would give her a total of 600mg of calcium with D each day for a few days. Just pop the tablet into the back of her throat. You can get amoxicillin for fish online and possibly at a pet or feed store. It is called Aqua Mox or Fish Mox, and dosage is 250 mg twice a day for 7-10 days. Some also use enrofloxacin 10% liquid, 0.25 mg for a 5 pound chicken twice a day for 5 days. That is found online for pigeons without a prescription, but just so you know, it is not approved for chickens. It is like human cipro, and some vets do quietly treat chickens with it. Here is some reading:
I was told that enrofloxacin was an anti-inflamatory medication and I need to find an anti-biotic don"t I? So should both ampacillin and enrofloxacin be given at an ideal situation? I don't care if Blondie never lays another egg, I just want to try to help her recover from whatever is going on.
I found an online pharmacy with ampicillin and paid for express shipping hoping to get the drug ASAP....but it will still be Tuesday at best. I brought her in to the crate again last night so I could see if any more cheese stuff was passed and because we had frost last night. Could not get her to eat anything at all this morning. We gave her calcium last night and will repeat again this evening. She did drink when I put her back into the run this morning but she is obviously very ill if she won't eat scrambled egg. I am torn about whether I should go ahead and get her to the emergency vet hospital today.......Expensive but I want to give her the best chance to recover.

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