Yesterday morning an egg was found under roost with no shell or membrane. By afternoon Blondie, 2 year old Buff Orpington, was definitely sick....back hunched up, little interest in treats, lethargic.....totally different from her normal behavior. She was first to go into the coop yesterday evening and settled into a nest instead of getting on the roost. At 11:00 last night I read that Calcium might help and managed to get half a Calcium Citrate + Vitamin D table down her throat before putting her in the laundry room inside a crate for the night. This morning I found a bit of some normal looking poop but also small a cheese looking clump. I smashed up a calcium tablet, mixed it with some water and was able to get a small amount down her throat. Added smashed calcium to a scrambled egg and she ate a bit of this and drank some water. She looked a bit better and I decided it would be best to return her to the flock. When she went into the run she drank a good bit of water, possibly a sign of Salpingitis? She is still obviously ill. I have a call in to an avian vet I have seen with my 22 year old Cockatiel, but the office is closed now and, although I was told the vet would be given the message asking for a call, I'm not sure if I will hear anything until Monday. From what I've read Blondie will need antibiotics. Her vent was normal lookig yesterday afternoon, but this morning it was red, dry and seemed irritated. I applied KY jelly type gunk to her vent. Maybe I should have sprayed it with Vetericyn instead....The only antibiotic I have is Duramycin-10 (Tetracline Hydrochloride soluble powder), but it has an expiration date of 3-20. All the antibiotics I have searched for online require a prescription. This chicken is a much loved pet and anyone who can offer information or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!